6-23-16 Thursday 6:08AM (Haiti Time) - Petionville, Haiti - Air Mobile "On Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
We're helping to PREVENT that from happening!!
This is much like the way, that the Apostle Paul, funded his mission efforts by "making tents". I love it!! GOD IS GOOD!!
At breakfast, yesterday morning, I met a Tulane Medical Professor who is leading a group of students here in Haiti.
This evening, I'll be presenting what Air Mobile does and will explain the extreme importance of CLEAN WATER! Looking forward to that.
Again, I ask for your prayer for protection and wisdom as we work on this important project of establishing clear and secure communications for Haiti.
So, as I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your faithful and truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-22-16 Wednesday 5:53AM (Haiti Time) - Petionville, Haiti - Air Mobile "On Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
A "Communication" need had arisen in Haiti and it was time for me to head back down that way. The "Little Donkey" is still getting the Annual Inspection so, I left the flying to Spirit Airlines.
You know, this is the first time I've flown "Commercially" into Haiti in over 7 years. I usually fly the Little Donkey to Haiti. It was a bit strange.
Haiti "Politics" is very much like the traffic....standing in "GRID LOCK"! Sure is tough to get around!!
THANKS for your precious and greatly appreciated prayer, love and support as we move about this country! God bless!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-21-16 Tuesday 3:15AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Stuart, FL - Air Mobile "On Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
It's good to have a friend with a machine shop. There are just times that one needs a special tool for a special job.
I introduced Paul to Rich who has been doing such jobs for Air Mobile for years.
As a matter of fact, Rich makes a number of components for the Air Mobile Rescuer. "It's not what you know.....It's who you know". Thanks Rich!!
I have an early morning appointment down in Fort Lauderdale. Instead of getting up super early, I drove half way down last night and stayed with my dear friends, Pat and Marlin.
We had a lovely dinner together and now, I'm heading down to that appointment and will get there right on time. It's nice to have good friends along the way.
Time to hit the road and begin another "Adventure" for our Lord. As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-20-16 Monday 6:51AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Father's Day is a cool day. It's nice to have a special day to honor Fathers. It's also a good time to reflect on the love of our Heavenly Father!
This outreach (behind locked doors) has grown to 3 separate services. Our Team had their assigned locations when....
We found another group within the Hospital that wanted a service, but had not yet been identified. Looks like we might be conducting 4 services now. BTW, I had the privilege to go and minister to this "forgotten" group. It was sweet.
Was able to share my own Testimony of how Jesus reached down and saved me. We had 7 in attendance and when we prayed together at the end, several accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Wow, what a hidden treasure to find on Father Day!!
If you'd like to join our team or want more information, please give me a call at: 321-544-7757 or jot me an email at: airmobilejoe@gmail.com .
Please pray that I'm successful in this search. I recall the Words of Jesus...."Seek and you shall find"!
Now, it's time to head out into this wonderful day that our Lord has made. As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-19-16 Sunday 6:46AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
We've had many "Adventures" together and we look forward to many more. "The Best is yet to come"!!
Yesterday, Yahn (A Premier Water Mule) and I visited Marty of Miller Leaman Industries. Marty is the President and makes some of the finest "filtration" systems in the world. All of his products are....100% Manufactured in America.
Well, now he's donating another Rescuer to Costa Rica and Yahn and I delivered it to him.
Peter's getting ready to solo and is going to be a very fine pilot!!
So, on this beautiful Sunday Morning, on Father's Day, we're getting ready to go to Church and then to the Hospital where we've been the Chaplains for over 18 years. What a joy to share the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS with those who are hurting.
As always, THANK YOU for your precious love, prayer and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-18-16 Saturday 5:47AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Cindy and I awoke early yesterday and headed to the airport at 5:00am to catch our "7:45am" flight back home. Oh, it was so nice being "early"....or so we thought.
Then it became clear what had happened. I simply mis-read my itinerary and the actual departure time was 6:05! The agent began looking to "re-list" us on another flight.
The flight from Guayaquil to Panama went well. We had a few hour layover there and then....we landed in Orlando. Oh, it's good to be home....for the moment.
Another "Mission" is brewing and we'll soon be off again. As always, THANK YOU for your precious love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-17-16 Friday 3:47AM (Ecuador Time) - Guayaquil, Ecuador - Air Mobile "On the Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Now, if you come to Guayaquil, I strongly recommend you spend a little time in both though...the Park directly across from the Cathedral was a bit "creepy". The Video will explain - CREEPY, CRAWLY THINGS IN THE PARK
While just standing there, one of the 3-4' lizards, took off and crossed right in front of me. He wasn't aggressive, he just wanted to "cross the road".
After our Cathedral / Iguana visit, we headed to a wonderful Handi-Craft "mall" and bought some very cool things.
Yes, Guayaquil is a lovely place to visit and we're looking forward to coming back.
As you can see, we're up early and ready to head back home today.
Looking back on this mission, we've seen our Lord's hand move in wonderful ways. We've been able to freely share our faith and more clean water is flowing and we may even be able to help Ecuador improve their ATC Communications.
So, as I say every day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-16-16 Thursday 7:09AM (Ecuador Time) - Guayaquil, Ecuador - Air Mobile "On the Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
All of our Ecuador meetings have been accomplished (for now). 2 more Rescuers are providing clean water in Crucita and we're working on bringing quality ATC communications to Ecuador.
The truth is, Cindy and I are truly falling in love with this beautiful country and the gracious people who live here. We'll see where our Lord leads.
So, it's time to go do some "touristy exploring". As always, God bless and THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-15-16 Wednesday 7:11AM (Ecuador Time) - Guayaquil, Ecuador - Air Mobile "On the Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
And last night, a 2 year old toddler is drug off by an alligator at Disney. Tragic news! We're PRAYING!
Meanwhile, we've come to Ecuador to bring clean water to thirsty people. This is a tangible demonstration of the love of God.
Harris certainly did a remarkable job of helping Haiti to get their ATC Communications up and going.
PLEASE PRAY together with us for those who have been so tragically attacked in Orlando, FL.
As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-14-16 Tuesday 6:41AM (Ecuador Time) - Guayaquil, Ecuador - Air Mobile "On the Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Yesterday began with breakfast with Pastor Santiago, his precious wife and son, Christian.
We shared stories of miraculous interventions in our lives and above all, God's Amazing Grace. Cindy and I were blessed to meet this precious family.
But first, we had to train them. After breakfast, it was off to the airport where our units will be serviced and repaired, thanks to Xavier and Arica Aviation.
Wow, what a great job those Kids did by raising the funds to bring CLEAN WATER to an area in such need!!
After the Training and Presentation, the units were taken right to Crucita where they will be passing out CLEAN WATER TODAY!! Praise God!!
We're so THANKFUL to have Xavier on our Team. His organization, Arica Aviation is the base for the Air Mobile Rescuer. Xavier will keep these units running.
Well, today, the "Adventure" continues. We'll be in meetings regarding the need for a new Air Traffic Control System at Manta, another area devastated by the earthquake.
We're just so blessed to be able to help these precious people in their time of need.
As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-13-16 Monday 5:49AM (Ecuador Time) - Guayaquil, Ecuador - Air Mobile "On the Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
After our flight delay in Panama, Cindy and I boarded "another" Copa aircraft and made the flight to Guayaquil with absolutely no problem.
Our original aircraft had some type of mechanical problem. So glad they found it before we took off!
Praise God! We never take any flight for granted and are always grateful to arrive safe and sound.
It is good to be back in Ecuador. We still have quite a bit of work to do here. As we drove from the airport to our hotel, I pointed out to Cindy some of the damage from the terrible April Earthquake.
We'll train this team on the simple operation of the Rescuer and more Clean Water will flow in Crucita and the surrounding area!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!
Now, regarding what happened in Orlando, our hearts are broken for the victims and their families and those who are fighting for their lives. This is simply deranged, evil madness!!
BTW, as we drove to the Orlando International Airport at 4:30am, the grisly murders were taking place just a few miles from where we drove.
This was a devastating attack on Americans and our prayer is that the leaders of our country will respond with wisdom and effectiveness. This is WAR!
So, it's time to head out and meet our Team from Crucita, Ecuador and help them to bring clean water to thirsty people. This is the LOVE OF GOD!
As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable and truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-12-16 Sunday 1:42PM (Panama Time) - Panama City, Panama - Air Mobile H"On the Road" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Here's a very quick up-date on our journey to Ecuador. We flew from Orlando to Panama where we were to change planes for Ecuador.
Well, we boarded our flight to Ecuador and....they found something wrong with the airplane (THANK GOD!). We're delayed for at least several hours here in Panama or better known at 'MARGARITAVILLE'.
Air Mobile Joe
PS - PLEASE PRAY they fix the aircraft well or swap it out!! Thanks!
Joe and Cindy
6-12-16 Sunday 4:17AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
This time, we'll be "Flying United" and not the Little Donkey. The Annual Inspection is coming along nicely.
I'm very thankful to have my Cindy with me on the "Mission". We make a great team.
So, it's time for "Cup of Cafe" for the road and head to the airport. As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-11-16 Saturday 7:37AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Spent the day at our Hangar tending to bills and orders and many phone calls and....receiving a wonderful gift from "Gary Tennis Ball".
He first contacted me several years ago and asked if we wanted the "slightly used" balls for the kids in Haiti. My answer...."Sure".
As you probably know, we fill every "nook & cranny" in the Little Donkey when we fly to Haiti. The tennis balls "tighten" the load nicely and they don't weigh very much!
Well, Gary wasn't satisfied to give only "used" tennis balls. He asked me what else we needed and my answer...."Baby Food, Formula, Diapers, etc".
Gary went to work. He found a local radio station who gave Gary some "free air time" to make appeals for the baby food and...
Now, in addition to a nice load of "used" tennis balls, Gary brings a "Treasure Cove" of baby food & formula, etc.....like 'THOUSANDS OF $$ WORTH!!
Where would we be without so many folks who help us in this mission?? "Surely, our Lord knows how to deploy His troops"!!
So, as I say every day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-10-16 Friday 6:19AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Turned in my car and was a sitting at my gate a full 2 hours early. A good time to catch up on e-mails and such.
We're working on getting those 2 Containers of food (about 500,000 meals) released in India for the starving children. Did you know that over 3000 children die every day from hunger in India?
We had a long discussion about the meaning of Matthew 25:35..."I was hungry and you gave me food...." Please join together with us in prayer for the RELEASE of this food for starving children!!
Meanwhile, Cindy and I are getting ready to fly back to Ecuador on Sunday. No, we're not taking the "Little Donkey" (still in Annual). This time we'll fly commercially. We'll be training and deploying several more Air Mobile Rescuers. So glad my Cindy will be with me!
Time to head out into this beautiful day in Florida. As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-9-16 Thursday 3:08AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Laurel, MD - Air Mobile "On Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Fortunately, I was early for my appointment with Congressman Bill Posey.
It took nearly an hour to make it around a block heading for the Cannon Building & didn't see 1 empty parking spot. Then it hit me....
I slowly eased into it and just sat there thanking God for hearing my prayer!
You can see in this shot, with my brown notebook on the hood of the car, just how close that spot is to the Cannon Building (the large white building in the fore ground).
I'm reminded of the Scripture that I shared with you yesterday (Matthew 7:7)....ASK - SEEK - KNOCK!!
While making the short walk to the building, I saw Marvin. He lost a leg due to a medical condition and was just sitting there in his wheel chair greeting everyone with "God bless you".
I feel like the "mailman" that has just delivered the "mail". Now the rest is in God's Hands.
Up early this morning to take a flight back home. I feel as if the "Mission to DC" has been accomplished.
Please join together with us that God's Will be done! As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-8-16 Wednesday 5:35AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Orlando International Airport - Air Mobile "On Mission" - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Have felt for some time, that it would be good to go to DC and appeal for some help for Search & Rescue (SAR) in Haiti. The time to do that is today.
Our Congressman (Bill Posey) has graciously agreed to meet with me this afternoon, that's why I'm on this early flight.
We'll discuss the progress that has been made thus far in Haiti and how it could be possible for the U.S. to lend some assistance.
Over the last 38+ years, I've heard so many stories about Haitian boats with hundreds on board going down at sea. The SAR Program will save countless lives.
Certainly, if I were flying into Haiti...as I often do, and encountered a problem in the aircraft and had to "ditch" in the sea, I would certainly want an EXCELLENT SAR program in place in Haiti!
Again, this is a "Noble Mission" and I encourage you to pray with us for it's success!
Was up at 3:30am and barely had enough coffee (far below my therapeutic level), so it's time to go find another cup in the beautiful Orlando International Airport.
As always, and I mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for you precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-7-16 Tuesday 6:57AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
All yesterday and through the night, the wind blew and the rain fell as Tropical Storm Colin "raced" across Florida (Colin is a very fast mover...30+mph).
TS Colin is now headed up the East Coast bringing a lot of rain and 50+mph winds. This was the first Tropical Storm to hit Florida since 2013.
BTW, sure am glad Dave & I flew that "Old T-Bone" out of Haiti when we did! When we flew back, we saw the beginnings of TS Colin and stayed "just out of reach" of the ugly weather.
Yesterday was busy ordering parts for more Air Mobile Rescuers and working with Paul to assure that the Little Donkey has all the parts it needs to complete the Annual Inspection.
As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-6-16 Monday 6:27AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
The "Mission" to Haiti was finished...for now. Vital supplies had been delivered. The "Village" now has a good inventory of baby food, formula, diapers and a more. Meetings on critical communications were conducted and moving forward.
Dave had been praying for a long time to see his beloved "Old T-Bone" flying relief missions! This is the first of MANY!!
We had a full load of fuel, thereby, giving us a lot of alternates in the event the weather got bad along the way. We prayed, fired up those beautiful GO-480 Lycomings (they have a lovely sound) and took off.
We were tired and hungry. Oh well, "C'est la vie" (such is life). We dodged TS Colin and a lot of bad weather.
Once our Customs Officer arrived, we were quickly cleared and made the short hop up to Titusville. There we met Cindy and had a delicious hamburger.
After our good meal, Dave fueled the "Old T-Bone" and made the flight back to his home-base in Wilmington. He dodged quite a few big ones, but arrived safe and sound. Praise God!!
As we looked at what is now becoming Tropical Storm Colin, we realized that the decision to come home when we did was a good one. Trying to sort through all this weather today would be ugly!!
Today, I'll be at the airport with Paul who is making good, steady progress on the Annual Inspection on the Little Donkey.
Yes, it's good to be home. As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-5-16 Sunday 4:32AM (Haiti Time) - Bon Repos - Air Mobile Base Camp - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Our schedule opened up and since the traffic was so horrendous in Port-au-Prince, Dave and I just hung out at the airport and yes, had a little fun.
Dave explained that his home base airport does not allow private pilots to wash their airplanes....for environmental reasons (they've gone a bit far on this).
There was no script, no re-takes, it just flowed as the video rolled. Here's the "YouTube" that came out. Enjoy.....& remember, this is not an "Actual Attack"!!!
After that 'Gripping Interview', it was time to hit the road back for the "Village". We knew that it would be challenging, as things are definitely "heating up" in Haiti.
Earlier, when we were going into town, we saw evidence of a street manifestation (riot) and had to do some "tricky" driving to get around the action.
On the way back to the "Village" the terrible, grid-lock traffic was in full force. Had to re-direct our route several times and it took a solid 3 hours to drive the 5 mile distance from the airport to the village.
Got back safe and sound and breathed a sigh of relief. Up early this morning, checking the weather and determining which way our Lord would have us to go.
As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-4-16 Saturday 4:52AM (Haiti Time) - Bon Repos - Air Mobile Base Camp - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Headed into town yesterday for a 10:00am meeting with an official to arrange the installation of devices that allow clear and reliable communications. The meeting went very well.
Now, after that meeting, my host introduced me to a gentleman (who "happened to be standing right there). Turns out, he was very interested in the "Search & Rescue" (SAR) project.
It was late Friday afternoon. Usually, things are in the "shut down" mode for the weekend.
But....one thing led to another and within minutes, I was sitting around a large conference in a meeting with the right officials... that would have taken a month to arrange (under "normal" circumstances!).
Yes, I never cease to marvel at the wonder and wisdom and timing and power of God! "Surely, our Lord knows how to deploy His troops"!!
Only God knows how many folks will be rescued and saved by this new "Search & Rescue" organization that is being put together.
BTW, we've had the privilege to be part of a number "rescues" in Haiti.
So, as I sit here in the "cool" of the morning (Haiti has been very hot), with the fan blowing on me and sipping a delicious cup of coffee, I wonder what our Lord has in store today.
Time to go find out. As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-3-16 Friday 6:26AM (Haiti Time) - Bon Repos - Air Mobile Base Camp - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
That grand old airplane (manufactured in 1955!) can take a huge load. We had a lot of baby food, formula, diapers, critical parts and a whole lot more that Barb really needed.
BTW, the airplane is affectionately called a "T-Bone" by many pilots because the official name is a "Twin Bonanza", thus, "T-Bone".
We packed and repacked and did a thorough Weight & Balance and then watched the weather. Actually, had been tracking for several days, a growing, wicked, series of thunderstorms in the Caribbean. Has all the "makings" to become a hurricane.
The Old "T-Bone" flew like a dream. What a wonderful airplane! We landed on Exuma Island and took on a full load of fuel. We wanted plenty for the next leg, so that we could exercise multiple "Alternates", if necessary.
These are the kind of storms that give the "Bermuda Triangle" credibility. Many a pilot has "wandered" into these storms and never come out again. Definitely the kind to avoid.
And...they were drifting to the west and would soon envelope our route. Our timing to depart Exuma when we did was perfect!
As we approached the main land of Haiti, we could see more massive thunderstorms forming and growing but...again, a wonderful path right into Port-au-Prince. Our Lord did it again!!!
Once unloaded and on the road to the "Village", it was evident that the massive "grid-locks" were still in place. We crawled along, averaging about 2mph for the 5 mile run.
We didn't too close to it, as the cargo (a dis-assembled car) appeared to be quite "precariously" loaded. One never knows what one will see "along the road" in Haiti.
When we pulled into the "Village" with our precious load of cargo, there were a lot of smiles.
Got a good nights sleep, as yesterday was quite exhausting. Today, will be in critical meetings and have 1 Air Mobile Rescuer to attend to.
As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-2-16 Thursday 4:59AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
This is a remarkable old aircraft (61 years old) and can certainly carry a load. We hope to "recruit" Dave and his wonderful airplane one day!
So, today, we'll be back at it...getting ready for that "Next Mission". As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
6-1-16 Wednesday 6:41 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - Cocoa, FL - Air Mobile Home Base - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe
Our daughter, Juliet and her husband Shaun flew in (from Massachusetts) for the party and a little get-away to celebrate their 1st Anniversary.
Oh, it was a sweet day!! Here's a little YouTube Clip capturing a bit of the party. PETER'S BEACH PARTY - COCOA BEACH
As all of this was happening, Paul, our remarkable aircraft mechanic was opening up the Little Donkey and doing the Annual Inspection. So far, so good! The Little Bird is flying like a dream.
In the meantime, we're gathering supplies and resources for our "Next Mission". Only our Lord knows where that will be, but we're getting ready!
As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!
Air Mobile Joe
Air Mobile Joe
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