Tuesday, April 6, 2021


4-7-21 Wednesday 5:54 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Just had to show you the restored, 74 year old Westinghouse.  It's a beauty!!!  

Indeed....they just don't make them like they used to.

Things back then, were built to last.  Again, I'm sure there's a good lesson here.

Wanted to share, got a phone call from the Executive  Director of Operation Blessing yesterday.  

He approved the order for an Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier.  PRAISE GOD!!

You may recall, we recently met with the Chief Water Sanitation Engineer for Operation Blessing.  We conducted several tests and the results were fantastic.

We're "GEARING UP" for the 2021 Hurricane Season and whatever other disasters might come.

We look forward to working with Operation Blessing on future missions.

We're also beginning the process of moving the Assembly Operation for the Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier up here to Tennessee.  

For now, we'll keep the Little Donkey down in Florida for strategic deployments.  

Folks, overall, life is good and the power of the Resurrection is brewing in my heart.

So, as I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-6-21 Tuesday 6:17 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


When Cindy and I bought the "Retreat Cabin" nearly 10 years ago, we inherited an old fridge in our outdoor kitchen.  

Didn't pay much attention to it.  It was just there, still plugged in and still cold.

Over the years, we'd throw some overflow fridge stuff in it when ours got full. 

Then, we began to do some research and found out that it was a Westinghouse Model-9 built in 1947.

The QUALITY of construction was mind-blowing.  Folks took a lot of pride in what they built back then.

Truly, this old Fridge was built to last!!!

So, we spoke to our good friend, Rich, who is the "Master of Much" and found out that he was over 14 paint shops and KNOWS how to properly prepare and paint old stuff.

So, here's how our day went yesterday.  Rich began by sanding and preparing the old Fridge.

Then, he put on the Primer and continued to rub out the rough spots.

Then, he put on the first coat and the old Fridge began to come alive with it's elegant beauty.

Finally, he put on the 2nd Coat and all I can say is...WOW!

After letting it all dry, today we'll be putting the inside back together.

Soon, the old Fridge will be in our new cottage that we just finished building.  

Oh well, just thought I'd share the story of the old Fridge with you!  I'm sure there are a couple of good lessons here.

Time to go finish the old Fridge.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 


4-5-21 Monday 6:54 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


So, after Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday, where do we go from here?

My soul is refreshed and renewed from spending precious time with my Savior this past week.

Just meditating on what the Resurrection means and the power it gives us, is GLORIOUS!  

Today, I'm ready to face life with more strength and joy.

My hope and prayer is that my faith in God will increase and not "retreat" into mediocrity.

Oh, I know there will be good days and bad days ahead.  As the French so eloquently say...."C'est La Vie" (such is life).  

But it need not be a surrender, but may it be a challenge to rise higher and go deeper into my faith in Jesus when circumstances go awry.  

May my life be more effective in the Service to my Lord!

So, on this Monday after....may my life gain more victory and joy in Jesus.  

May HIS RESURRECTION be more powerful in my life!

Perhaps, just your reading this "rambling blog" on this Monday After.... will increase your faith and joy and strength in HIS RESURRECTION! 

May you be EXTREMELY BLESSED today!  

And, as I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-4-21 Sunday 7:27 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Jesus is
DEFINATELY ALIVE!  I know, because I know that I know that I know.  

HE has brought us through so many things. HE has come through for us time and time again! 

My faith has only grown stronger over these last 50 years of walking with HIM & HE with me!!

The simple and undisputable fact is that HE LOVES US & GAVE HIMSELF FOR US!!


May you be BLESSED TODAY!  Open up your Heart to Him!  It will be the best choice you will ever make!!

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-3-21 Saturday 7:23 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


What a JOY it is to share HIS RESURRECTION with you!! 

I so well recall the moment I surrendered my life to Him (nearly 50 years ago).  Have never been the same since.

He brought me out of darkness and into His Glorious Light!


May you be BLESSED today, as we join together to CELEBRATE HIS RESURRECTION!

We're so appreciative to have you with us as we walk down this road of life together.  We're so THANKFUL for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

PS - If you're reading this rambling blog and never accepted Jesus as your Lord & Savior, there is no better time than NOW to ask Him into your life.  It will be the best decision you will ever make!


4-2-21 Friday 7:21 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Friday comes before Sunday.  Jesus made the way for us to the Father's Heart!  He paid the price for us in full!!


Folks, when we deal with the sin issues in our life, we gain full and open access to Heaven.

We gain so much, that words fail me to describe just how good and glorious it is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

May I urge you to take a few moments and ponder this glorious gift.  No matter what you may be facing, the gift of Salvation conquers it all.  Let Him in and let Him heal you.

Yes, it is Friday but Sunday is coming!!!

May you be extremely BLESSED TODAY!

And, as always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-1-21Thursday 7:36 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Awakened at 2:00AM pondering the week that our Savior died and rose again.  

What an AMAZING thought!  

Jesus brought TRUE FORGIVENESS to the world.  

The more I ponder this, the better it gets!! THANK YOU JESUS!!

Well, it looks like the rain has stopped....for a while here at the Retreat Cabin.  No major flood damage, thank God!  

All this rain has made our soil especially rich and good for our spring planting.  Again, thank you Lord!

May I encourage you to take some time out this week and just think about what Jesus as done for us.  

Believe me, it will increase your faith and open new channels of love, from God to you.

May you be BLESSED today and as I say every day, THANK YOU for your precious prayer love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-31-21 Wednesday 7:22 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Another powerful rain storm is here causing already saturated land and swollen rivers to rise even more.  

We're keeping a close eye on things and staying close to home.  

We're praying our bridge holds up to the heavy flooding.

So....in our life some rain must fall but...



BTW, looking ahead to the forecasts (which have been quite accurate), we're expecting sunny skies on Sunday....EASTER SUNDAY!  PRAISE GOD!!

So, wherever you are, we pray you stay warm and dry.  We'll be working inside until this storm and heavy rains pass.

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-30-21 Tuesday 7:41 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Came across  Verse 5 in Proverbs 30 today.


I absolutely love the Book of Proverbs.  It is like a treasure chest of Wisdom.

So often, it gives me just what I need for the day.

I know I've shared this with you many times, but it bears repeating.  

Our Lord gave us 31 Chapters in Proverbs.  One for each day of the month and a couple of extras when you need them.

There is so much turmoil and fear in this world.  It is good to know that our Lord is a shield for those who put their trust in Him!

Here is the entire Chapter 30 for your reading pleasure.  May I encourage you to take 5-10 minutes and read this.  May you enjoy God's Word today.


THANK YOU for your precious and invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-29-21 Monday 5:25 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Having dodged the tornados and floods, life goes on at the "Retreat Cabin".

Air Mobile is planning the "next mission" and we're getting the Rescuer water purifiers ready for "action". 

Not sure where the "next mission" will take us, but we'll be ready when the call comes. 

Being "In Between" missions, it's a good time to take care of chores and repairs here at home.  I'm thankful for these times.

As just demonstrated, flood waters can certainly disrupt the CLEAN WATER supply. 

Fortunately, there have been NO reports of "Cross Contamination" following this flooding.

"Things" can happen quickly, that is why it's good be READY.

So, on this beautiful, chilly morning in the Mountains of East TN, it's time to get to work and seize the moment.

BTW, it should be noted, that there is always a "Mission" at hand.  When we share the love of Jesus, we're "On the Mission".

And, as I say every single day and truly mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-28-21 Sunday 7:04 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


We're into our second day of intense rain here in the Mountains of East TN.  All night, thunder and lightning shook our little cabin.  

The flood waters are higher than we've ever seen here and they're still rising.

Hope our bridge withstands the shock.

Our 1/3 mile driveway is just full of deep ruts.  Will have to get the old Massey Ferguson out and try to smooth them out.

In between all this, we'll catch our Florida Church Service on-line.

May you all have a blessed Palm Sunday!

THANKS, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-27-21 Saturday 7:26 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Looks like more bad WX coming throughout the South / Southeast. 

Here at the "Retreat Cabin", we're right in the middle of what is coming. 

A lot of thunderstorms expected throughout today (Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday).  Heavy flooding likely.  Strong possibility of more tornadoes.

Again, we're THANKFUL for GOOD WX FORECASTING!  If one were to err, may we err on the PREPARE side!!

So, today, we're PREPARING & PRAYING!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe 

3-26-21 Friday 6:34 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


We certainly saw them coming through the forecasts and come they did.  The forecasters nailed it.  

Multiple deaths have been reported and terrible damage in the wake of these tornadoes that roared across the south.


As a result of the good WARNINGS by the Weather Channel, we had already established a safe place to go in the event of a tornado strike.

We were spared at the Retreat Cabin, but certainly had high winds and very heavy rain several hours ago. 

We THANK GOD that we were spared, but PRAY for those who have lost loved ones and suffered injury and terrible damage.

Folks, a good lesson for us all is to:  HEED THE WARNINGS &  PREPARE FOR THE WORST & ABOVE ALL, PRAY!!  

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-25-21 Thursday 6:27 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe  


Looks like a severe line of thunderstorms is coming our way here at the "Retreat Cabin".  

Best to batten down the hatches and keep a close on them.

Here's more on what we're looking at....DANGEROUS TORNADO OUTBREAK LIKELY IN SOUTH TODAY

We're also praying for our Lord to calm these storms!

Sure do appreciate your prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-24-21 Wednesday 5:19 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe  


One thing is for sure, there are places that need CLEAN WATER right now and we have a remarkable machine, a true gift from God, to make dirty water clean.

We well know the NEED and want to be ready to deploy as our Lord directs, with the ability to bring  CLEAN WATER!!

Air Mobile will be moving the manufacturing of the Rescuer water purifier from Florida up to Tennessee.

Yesterday, Yahn & Mary Kate Gray arrived here at the Retreat Cabin. 

They recently sold their home in Florida and are in the process of buying land here in Tennessee.

Yahn is in charge of manufacturing the "Rescuer" and is doing a superb job!

Over the next few months, we'll be moving that operation up here to Tennessee.

We're very excited about this move and look forward to a smooth transition.

PLEASE join us in PRAYER for His wisdom and direction for this move.

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-23-21 Tuesday 8:10 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Have always liked to "journal".  Have found it to be an effective way to endeavor to stay on course.  

When you write where you've been, it's a bit easier to see what course you're on.  Believe, me, I need all the help I can get to stay on course.

When I first discovered "Blogger" in 2004, I gave it a shot.  It was a good way to "capture the moment" and share it with others.

I didn't write a "Daily" Blog, but would chronicle our various missions around the world.


On January 13, 2010, the day after the terrible Earthquake that devastated Haiti, I published a blog stating we were going to Haiti.  

We were the first private plane to land in Haiti on that day.  It is a day, I'll never forget.  I still cry when I think about it.  Probably a little PTSD going on.  

Have written a DAILY "blog" every since.  It has been a labor of love doing so.

Looking back over the years, I stand amazed at the places we've been.  It's been an awesome BLESSING having you on-board with us.  

When I say....THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support, I truly mean it!!  

So, today, here is my Daily Blog about my Daily Blog.

GOD BLESS YOU & THANKS again for meandering down this path of life with me.  

Air Mobile Joe

PS - I came across this short video, titled "Air Mobile Joe" filmed and produced by my good friend, Roger Miller, who has since gone on to be with the Lord.  

Roger did a superb job of "capturing the moment" following the Haiti earthquake.

Here it is:  "AIR MOBILE JOE" by Roger Miller  


3-22-21 Monday 7:37 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


We know that any time, disaster can strike.  Today, in the U.S. things are pretty quiet.  

However, in Australia, they are experiencing the worst flooding in decades.

We're following that disaster closely.  We know that floods DAMAGE & DESTROY  CLEAN WATER sources.  

We may be called upon to help.  Should our Lord direct us to GO, WE WILL GO!



PLEASE PRAY for those in path of this terrible flooding.  

More rain is expected in the next few days!

In the meantime, been studying Aeronautical Theory and just why and how airplanes fly.

I must admit, it is a joy and pleasure to explore the subject that I love so dearly....FLIGHT!

SO, today, will be studying and taking care of things here at the "Retreat Cabin".

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-21-21 Sunday 7:44 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


On this Sunday in the mountains of East TN, we'll go to Church on-line and then, try to "Rest".

BTW, that's not always easy to do. 

Jesus encourages us to...."Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden...and  I will give you REST".

Sometimes, we find it hard to simply rest.  Most of us, myself included, are "driven" and often don't find the time to simply "rest".

Hebrews 4:11 says...."Let us labor to enter into that rest...."

If you find yourself  stressed out and weary, I urge you to "Come to Jesus, He will give you rest".

May you be BLESSED today and find "REST" in Him!

Air Mobile Joe

3-20-21 Saturday 6:15 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


I recall as a little boy, not quite 4 years old the moment I discovered airplanes.  

It was a yellow Piper Cub flying just overhead.  That is where my love for flying began.  Have never been the same sense.

My family had just moved right next to the Baton Rouge Downtown Airport.  It was truly love at first sight.

Well, I've been flying for well over 50 years and can hardly believe our Lord lets me do something that I love so dearly.

I'm reminded of Psalm 37:4!  

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the Desires of your heart!  

Now, after all these years of flying for our Lord, I'm embarking on an expanded career of teaching others to fly.

Believe me, it is one thing to be able to FLY (I have over 9000 hours).  It is another thing to TEACH others to fly.

Now, I must admit, this has been quite a challenge.  Between emergency relief missions and the hectic schedules of both my flight instructors and flight examiners and..... a bout with cancer, it's been a while since I embarked on this journey.

However, I am determined to accomplish the goal of becoming a CERTIFIED FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR.

So, today, both Cindy and I are "in class" (on-line) studying.  Cindy is working on getting her Realtor License (buying and selling property is very hot right now).  She will be a great Realtor!

We're enjoying ourselves!!

And of course, I'm slugging away at getting my CFI Rating.  

Broke out the old E6B flight computer.  The print is mighty small, but the batteries never run out (LOL)!  

So, as I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious and invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-19-21 Friday 6:36 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, Dennis West and I had the privilege to meet Senior Water Engineer, Ignacio, of Operation Blessing.  

The purpose of our meeting was to better understand and test the Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier.

As Dennis and I pulled into the  Operation Blessing warehouse in Bristol, TN, we were impressed with the massive facility, chocked full of food and relief.

PRAISE GOD for the caring hearts and excellence of this great outreach.

The OB Staff was extremely courteous and helpful.  We set up our Testing and went to work.

Ignacio has deep experience in creating water purification systems including utilizing Ozone and UV, the very foundation of the Air Mobile Rescuer technology.

After extensive testing and demonstrating the operation, Ignacio had a more clear understanding and will carefully consider using the Air Mobile Rescuer in future relief missions.  Again....PRAISE GOD!

We have worked very closely with CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) over the years placing Air Mobile Rescuers around the globe. 

Now we may be working with Operation Blessing in the same way.

Special THANKS to Anthony Lloyd, Senior Director for Operation Blessing for arranging this meeting!!

So, back at the "Retreat Cabin", Cindy and I are both deeply involved in studying.  

Cindy is preparing to take the TN State Test to become a Realtor.  I am resuming my study to prepare for my CFI Rating (Certified Flight Instructor).  

You may recall, we put the flight training aside while I worked through my battle with Cancer.  

BTW,  our Lord has truly touched my body and all the numbers are looking great!  


Time to put on some more coffee and crack open those books.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious, invaluable and truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-18-21 Thursday 6:33 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


This morning, my good friend, Dennis West will be driving with me to Bristol to meet with Operation Blessing (OB).  

We'll be going over the operation and technology of our Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier.

We've worked with CBN for years and I recall, while in Peru, we had 19 Rescuers running at one time.  

Now, that made A LOT of CLEAN WATER!

We're glad to be able to share our remarkable machine with OB.

We love working together with other ministries.  

The problem of dirty water is bigger than any of us.  We need to work together in unity!

So, it's time to hit the road for Bristol.  Please pray that we have a safe journey.  There's a strong line of thunder storms along our route.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-17-21 Wednesday 6:31 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


In the natural course of going through the day, I find myself seeking His Joy.  

Often, we need but ask for it.  Again, our Lord wants us to be FULL OF HIS JOY!  

Furthermore, in today's study of Proverbs 17, I came across a familiar Scripture in Verse 22...."A Merry Heart doeth good like a medicine.....".

Yes, in this world, there is much pain and suffering.  I often find myself wrestling with guilt as I simply enjoy this wonderful "Retreat Cabin" and lovely little farm.

Yet, I stand READY to deploy when our Lord calls.  For now, I'm being directed to simply stay home and ENJOY THE JOY!!

So, today, will be signing a number (20)  books "Run To The Roar", for a friend as gifts for his friends.

Will also be doing chores and taking care of our critters.  Life is good here at the "Retreat Cabin".

I'm so THANKFUL to my good friend, Mark for the incredible gift of a LOT of firewood.  We'd been getting pretty low.

Mark recently took down a huge maple tree and even split it for us.  THANKS MARK!!

I encourage you to seek HIS JOY today.  It is truly readily available.  Simply ASK...& you shall receive (Matthew 7:7).

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe


3-16-21 Tuesday 7:33 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Joy doesn't just come when things are going well.  

As a matter of fact, it is in the hard and difficult times that JOY is the sweetest!

As I open my heart and ponder the "JOY times" in my life, my mind goes to the most challenging, gut wrenching moments, when JOY would flood my soul and pull me through some very dangerous and horrible situations.

I well recall just hours after the terrible Haiti earthquake (over 250,000+ died!!), we were at the American Embassy helping to treat the deeply wounded.  

Blood was everywhere, horrible images in my mind, groans and screams from the pain and death.

After Shocks were still occurring causing renewed panic and fear.  It was just terrible.

Then....word came to us that 20+ Orphan Visas, requested by Barbara Walker, were granted!

  Joy shot through us like a lightening bolt!  

We continued to treat the wounded and then loaded up the Little Donkey and began flying the orphans to their new, forever homes in America.

Even as I type this meandering blog, tears are in my eyes as I recall those precious, gut wrenching, glorious moments.

Yes, JOY does come and our Lord sends it when most needed.

I share these words with you, so that you can know that our Lord does love us and gives us exactly what we need when we need it.  

May I encourage you to take a few moments and ponder these words.  Recall those moments when our Lord has come through for you.

This will give you strength and courage to face hard times, that will surely come, and steer you to the Victory in Christ Jesus.

I have found the best way to experience God's JOY is to simply ask Him for it.  He delights in giving us HIS Joy.

Jesus wants us to be FULL OF JOY!!

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

May you be FULL OF HIS JOY!!

Air Mobile Joe


3-15-21 Monday 6:54 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday evening, had a dear friend email me and ask.... 'Joe, where do you get your JOY?'  

Got me to thinking and as I've been known to do*...went to Proverbs and it just so happens that Proverbs 15 deals with Joy & a Cheerful Heart.

Then, I remembered an old song....IF YOU WANT JOY, you must ASK for it.

Our Lord Jesus also has plenty of JOY for us.  We simply need to ASK for it!!

His JOY is readily available and the fact is, we need His Joy to make it through this life.

There is so much pain and suffering throughout the world...it's easy to become discouraged.  HIS JOY gives us strength.


So, this morning, I intend to call my friend and give him my answer on JOY!

May your JOY be full to overflowing today!!!

And, as I say every single day, and truly mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

* I often read the Proverb that corresponds to the day, thus March 15 = Proverbs 15.  Have found a lot of wisdom and Joy in the Book of Proverbs.

BTW, here's a link to Proverbs 15...for your reading pleasure - PROVERBS 15 KJV


3-14-21 Sunday 6:49 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


After getting our internet / landline phone repaired...it was just an easy-going day here at the "Retreat Cabin" in the mountains of East TN.

We're so THANKFUL for this wonderful gift from God!!

Cindy and Sparrow had a nice time in the round pen. Sparrow is being a good boy. 

And Ari gave some sweet hugs to our donkeys.  They love to be loved!  Such wonderful creatures!

You know, it's been a rather chilly winter and our firewood has been getting low.

Our good friend Mark, who has been helping us with construction projects recently cut down a huge dead maple tree.  

Well, he has been bringing us a good load of firewood.  "Let the cold winds blow!" THANK YOU, MARK! 

The Lord is good and provides!!

Well, we'll be joined today by our good friends, Dennis and Barbara West.  We'll be watching church on-line.  So love the fellowship and the Word of God!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe


3-13-21 Saturday 6:25 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


UPDATE: We found the "gremlin".  

It was one of the tiny wires in the Cat-5 cable that was not doing it's job. Now, the internet & phone are working great!!

Written earlier:  Have been having "issues" with both the internet and our landline here at the Retreat Cabin.

Fortunately, Point Broadband is here to untangle the mess.

Will write more later.  Stand by & THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-12-21 Friday 6:26 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


We're planning our next "Victory Garden" now.  

I still marvel, that something as small as a seed can yield so much fruit.

I'm especially thankful for my Cindy who has done so much research and is so diligent to select the best crops and buy the seeds.

As folks are coming out of the "Pandemic", many are planning gardens.

If you're planning to have a spring garden, you might want to get those seeds ordered while still available.  

We're about to get a lot of rain here in the mountains of East TN, and that will be good for our soil.

The Lord is Good....All the time!!

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

PS - Things are developing for more strategic deployments for the Air Mobile Rescuer. Will advise and THANKS again for your prayer!!


3-11-21 Thursday 6:41 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe  


From the "Lasagna Garden" (no-till layers) to water pressure to pasture seeds and the list goes on and on.  

We're learning so much about sustainable living here at the "Retreat Cabin".

We're learning how to live without electricity or city water and growing our own food....we love it!

So...the truth is, when we're "between" missions, we're actually on a "mission" to be more self-sufficient, while being more dependent upon the Lord.

And....I'm so glad that you've chosen to meander down this road of life with us.

Now, I'm very THANKFUL to have the internet here at the "Retreat Cabin", as it allows us to communicate globally.  

We can plan our "missions" and support our water purifiers that are spread throughout the world. We can communicate with our kids and grand-kids and even publish this "rambling daily blog".

As long as we have it (the internet), we'll certainly enjoy it and use it for the Glory of God!

It's going to get up to a balmy 70 degrees today, a nice fore-taste of Spring.  Though, we're expecting a lot of rain for the next week or so.  Will be good for our soil.

As I say every single day, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-10-21 Wednesday 6:26 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


While awaiting our "marching orders", there's plenty to do here at the "Retreat Cabin".  Chores & projects like fencing / sheds / green house, etc.

It's a joy working here in this beautiful valley.  We can hardly wait for Spring and planting our garden.

Glad that we finally got those apple trees planted along with the peach and plum trees.  

We've been doing a lot of research into areas that need clean water.  We feel that a "Mission" is coming and soon....we'll head out to bring clean water to thirsty folks.

In the meantime, we're rejoicing and enjoying our lovely spot here in the Mountains of East TN.

And....THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-9-21 Tuesday 6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Woke up early this morning realizing how blessed I am.  Have a comfortable bed, a warm cabin, plenty of food and clean water.

May I never take this for granted, especially the clean water.  Then, my mind went to the Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier and again my heart was overwhelmed by this remarkable gift.

It is truly a 

We have the ability to make very dirty water very clean.  For many around the world, this is a LIFE SAVER!!

Folks, there are literally BILLIONS  that lack CLEAN WATER

So, what are we going to do with this wonderful ability?  

Above all, today, I'm praying for our Lord to lead me in the way He would have me to go.  May I be sensitive to His voice and direction.

I can't begin to tell you the joy I experience when I'm able to bring CLEAN WATER to the thirsty!

So, on this beautiful day, in the Mountains of East TN, I ask our Lord to lead me each step of the way.

Not sure where our "Next Mission" will bring us.  But, I know Who does. 

THANK YOU for rambling down this road of life with us.  

So appreciative for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-8-21 Monday 6:18 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


In reading Proverbs 8 this morning, the depth of wisdom is awesome.  Better than silver, gold, rubies and every precious thing.  Wisdom cries out to us....may we hear.

Verse 12 says..."I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions".

I'm ever grateful for my dear friend, Rolf Engelhard, that invented the main module of our water purifier.

It is truly a WITTY INVENTION!  

Rolf, humbly gives God all the Glory for showing him how to make very dirty water very clean.  THANK YOU ROLF!

Now, here is a brutal fact.  Literally BILLIONS around the world suffer terribly from the lack of CLEAN WATER.

We have a machine, the Air Mobile Rescuer, that can provide CLEAN DRINKING WATER instantly and with extraordinary efficiency.  

Our prayer today is that the Lord will direct  us as to how to place these wonderful machines where needed.

To date, by God's Amazing Grace and your prayers and generosity, we have been able to place Air Mobile Rescuers in some of the most devastating disasters in modern history.

We've only just begun!!  THANK YOU, as always for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

PS - If you'd like to learn more about the Air Mobile Rescuer, click here - THE INCREDIBLE AIR MOBILE RESCUER

Air Mobile Joe

3-7-21 Sunday 7:12 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


It's a brisk 21 degrees this morning here in the mountains of East TN.  We'll be watching our church service this morning and enjoying a day of rest.

Yesterday, we finally planted a couple of apple trees.  

Sometimes, we just put things off.  Should we have done this years ago, we'd already be enjoying our own apples.

But....better late than never.  It was good to get them in the ground and get over the regret of not having done it earlier.

Until that tree gets into the earth on our property, it will never produce fruit for us.  

Mmmmm, there has to be  a lesson here.

BTW, we'll also be planting peach and plum trees.  So glad we're finally getting..... "ROUND TUIT".

So, it's time to do a couple of chores before tuning in our Church Service.

As always, THANK YOU for greatly appreciated prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-6-21 Saturday 6:17 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Enjoying the crisp, cool weather.  Going to be a lovely weekend.  Nothing special going on.  

We'll just do chores, take care of the critters (horses, donkeys & ducks) and enjoy the moment.

Cindy loves her horse, Sparrow.  It's a pleasure just watching her and this beautiful creature.

Have a sense that there will be plenty to do...soon enough.  For now, will seize the moment and rest.  

THANK YOU, Lord for a peaceful & lovely weekend.

Hope you have a wonderful day and as I say every day, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-5-21 Friday 6:21 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Very powerful Quakes (8+) hit New Zealand triggering tsunami alerts.  Here's more - MASS EVACUATIONS AS LARGE QUAKES (8+) SPARK PACIFIC-WIDE EVACUATIONS

18,000+ quakes hit Iceland this past week.  VOLCANIC ERUPTION IMMENENT AFTER 18,000 TREMORS HIT ICELAND THIS WEEK 

Greece was rocked with a strong quake yesterday.  GREECE ROCKED BY POWERFUL QUAKE  

When you stack up these Headlines from yesterday and today, it indicates...There's a lot shaking going on.   


So, as we're here at the "Retreat Cabin" praying for our Lord to strategically place us wherever He wants us....we stand READY to GO!

And....as I say every single day, and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-4-21Thursday 6:22 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Here at the cabin, in between missions, I wait upon our Lord to direct my path.  

Oh, there are things that I want to do, places I want to go but...for now, my Lord is directing me to be still and "Wait on Him".  

Must admit, that it is rather difficult, but, here am I, Dear Lord send me...wherever you want me to go, whatever you want me to do, I will go and do.

Now, being here at the "Retreat Cabin" is quite glorious.  Always have work to be done.  The beauty and wonder of our valley is quite stunning.  

Yes, I admit that I do feel a bit guilty to have this "Retreat Cabin".

A few minutes ago, I turned on the water to wash a dish and was overwhelmed by the fact I simply turn on the faucet and get CLEAN WATER. 

 It is a gift.  So many around the world do not have that beautiful and sweet gift.

Please forgive me for "rambling on" this morning.  I think I'll just relax and ENJOY the moment and THANK HIM for His grace and goodness!!

THANK YOU, as always for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  

3-3-21Wednesday 6:27 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe  


Without question, one of my all-time favorite Scriptures....


Often, our Lord will give directions that seem "counter-intuitive".

That is why it is so important to get quiet and still and listen for His direction.

Too many times, I have jumped ahead of my Lord and done what I wanted to do or what seemed right to do.

You know, we are all students and our Lord is teaching us day by day to.... TRUST HIM & LEAN NOT UNTO OUR OWN UNDERSTANDING.

So, as I'm here at the "Retreat Cabin", always busy with chores and things to fix and e-mails and phone calls, etc.  My heart is to be exactly where He wants me to be.

My prayer is....Dear Lord, make my way straight today.  Show me what you want me to do.

Well, here is a gift I'd like to share with you.  Take a few minutes and read all of Proverbs 3.  

It will BLESS YOU!!  

Here it is:  PROVERBS 3 KJV

I want you to know just how much I appreciate your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-2-21Tuesday 6:29 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Thought I'd hang out in Proverbs for a few days.  Of course, in doing so, I link the day, March 2nd, to Proverbs 2 and....I find more WISDOM.

From the Lord's mouth, come wisdom and understanding.

Folks, some time, I just want to GO and sometimes, our Lord tells me to WAIT.  For now, He's telling me to WAIT.

Knowing that there are still hundreds of thousands in Texas alone that are still struggling to get CLEAN WATER breaks my heart.  I want GO & do something about it.  

So, today, will be working around the "Retreat Cabin" and WAITING on our Lord's direction.  

Of course, spending time in God's Word is always a good thing!!

THANK YOU for standing with us and especially for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

3-1-21 Monday 6:21 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - In the Mountains of East TN (Air Mobile "Retreat Cabin") - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Starting March 1 with Proverbs 1.  A good footing and a quest for wisdom.

I love the Book of Proverbs.  It's very convenient to take a Proverb daily as there are 31 Chapters.  

One for each day and few extras at the end of the month.

Often, in the course of life, I cry out for Wisdom, only to realize that our Lord is ever ready to freely give His Wisdom.

All I have to do is ASK and get quiet and hear His voice and allow Him to direct my path.

So, on this rainy day at the Retreat Cabin, I'm following up with a number of fine ministries to seek direction and resources to help others in need following the terrible Winter Storm that has done so much damage.

I want you know how much I truly appreciate your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

Air Mobile Joe 



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