Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 9-18-24 Wednesday 8:05 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe



Yesterday, Dr. Leslie Smelcer fitted me with AMAZING Hearing- Aids.

I, IMMEDIATELY began hearing so much better!

Why didn't I do this sooner? It was all about the $$.  A good set of Hearing-Aids cost between $5000 - $6000 and I just didn't want to spend that kind of money.

Then, I checked out some of my Medicare Benefits and found out that 100% of the cost of high quality hear-aids was FREE!!

I'm so THANKFUL for medical blessings.  My knees were shot and now I walk and even run because of full replacement knees.  

Recently, I had my cataracts removed and now I see clearly!

Now, with these remarkable hearing-aids, I hear so much better!!!

Folks, I'm so THANKFUL and BLESSED!!

I'm also THANKFUL for you, who have been with me on this Wandering Road of Life!  GOD BLESS YOU & THANK YOU again for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-17-24 Tuesday 8:01 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This morning, I'm getting fitted for my hearing-aids.  I'm very excited to hear better.

To those who have spoken with me, friends and family, hopefully, I'll not have to be saying this so often..."Could you please repeat that?" or "Say again?"

I know Cindy is also excited about the prospect of not having to repeat herself so often.

So, it's time to go and get fitted.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-16-24 Monday 8:10 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, Former President Donald Trump dodged another bullet, THANKS TO GOD & A KEEN-EYED SECRET SERVICE AGENT!!


Let us PRAY for President Trumps safety!!

Meanwhile, here at the "Retreat Cabin" our pressure-tank bladder blew.  Fortunately, we found a replacement tank quickly (the reason the blog is running a little late).

Rich and Jeremy are replacing it as I type this blog.

THANK GOD for good friends!

And I  THANK GOD for you, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-15-24 Sunday 5:46 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


All across America, millions are getting ready and heading to Church this morning.

I'm especially THANKFUL for the FREEDOM that we enjoy in this great country.  May we never take it for granted.

If we listen, we will find that Jesus is knocking on our door and wants to fellowship with us.

Let us PRAY for our Lord Jesus to open up our hearts to receive Him and fellowship with Him!

I still find it amazing that Jesus loves us so much that He wants to spend time with us.  THANK YOU JESUS for your great love!!

And THANK YOU, my dear Brothers & Sisters for your precious & sweet prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-14-24 Saturday 7:25 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Some chores just can't wait.  Like letting out the ducks & feeding them.  Likewise feeding the horses & donkeys and the list goes on.

Usually, I'm up early enough to write my blog and then do the chores. 

There are times that I just I just draw a blank and have to wait a bit before I write the "rambling blog".

At any rate, have been able to write & publish a blog every single day for over 14 years.

The blog is good therapy for me, especially when I'm in the middle of an intense "Mission" or just have a lot on my mind that I need to share with you. 

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you "Rambling" down this road of life with me.

Your prayer, love and support mean a lot to me.  THANK YOU!!

Air Mobile Joe  

9-13-24 Friday 8:17 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Every evening we put our ducks into their "Hoop Coop" to protect them from coyotes, raccoons and any other critter that has a taste for our water fowl.

The "Hoop Coop" is very secure and has never been breached since we made it 5+ years ago.

I love watching them file out every morning.  "Who let the ducks out" to the tune of "Who let the dogs out".

What a pleasant way to start the day.  Brings a smile to my face every time.

So today, will be working here at the lovely "Retreat Cabin".  

As I say every day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your vital prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-12-24 Thursday 7:19 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Between chores and securing critical components for the Little Donkey, I'm busy.

Paul is making good progress on the repair of this vital tool.  

Meanwhile, Dave Walen, a GREAT Water Mule, is tracking, what could be, a treasure cove of replacement components.

PLEASE PRAY with us that we make the Little Donkey greater than ever!

Again, I'm reminded of one of my all-time favorite Scriptures...Roman 8:28.

Well, it's time to get to work.  As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-11-24 Wednesday 7:37 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Where were you 23 years ago?  I remember that day very clearly.

May we never forget SEPTEMBER 11, 2001!



I am reminded of Joshua 24:15..."AS FOR ME & MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!"

 So, on this day, 23 years later, let us lean on and trust our Lord Jesus as never before!

Cindy and I are so THANKFUL for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-10-24 Tuesday 6:53 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This evening, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will meet face to face, for the first time in an epoch Debate.

May each show and reveal their true character.  We PRAY for God to reveal the TRUTH!


Remember, our PRAYERS are POWERFUL and may God  shine His light on TRUTH!!


Folks, Cindy and I are so BLESSED to have you joining together with us in PRAYER!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-9-24 Monday 6:26 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


In the midst of all of the Presidential ads and the many commentaries, I find myself PRAYING for our Lord's will to be done with America!

In just 57 days, America will vote.  In all my years, yes, I believe that this will be the most significant election of my life time.

Let us not forget just how important and powerful is PRAYER!! I urge you to join me in PRAYER FOR AMERICA!

I so appreciate your PRAYER.  Let us join together for His will to be done!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-8-24 Sunday 6:23 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


On this beautiful, crisp (46 degrees) morning I'm especially THANKFUL about the FREEDOM that we do have to Worship God here in America!

At the same time, bringing light on the fact that 1 in 7 Christians around the world (365 MILLION!) are enduring terrible persecution and the trend's getting worse!



So, as we get ready for Church this morning, may we remember those who are being tortured and murdered because they believe in and worship Christ.

Our PRAYER this morning we are, dear Lord, use us for your glory!

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-7-24 Saturday 7:39 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


At about 3:30 AM I awoke with this Scripture on my mind and heart...


I had the strongest impression that our Lord Jesus was knocking at my door and wanted to fellowship with me.  He did and we did.

For the next hour we had such sweet fellowship.  How many times has He knocked and...I wasn't listening.  What a lost opportunity to fellowship with Jesus.

During this time, between "Missions", I have so many opportunities to simply spend time with my Lord Jesus.

Imagine this...He actually wants to fellowship with you...& me.

What a perfect time to "Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you".

May I encourage to listen for the knock and the voice of Jesus. He loves you and truly cares for you! 

I want to THANK YOU again for meandering down this road of life with me.  

I so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe


9-6-24 Friday 6:46 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


While simply enjoying life here at our sweet "Retreat Cabin", thought I'd share a glimpse of our lovely Duck Haven.

The ducks are quacking and the cattle are lowing.  Life is good.

We're keeping a close eye on the Caribbean for possible hurricane activity.

Will be working in the Air Mobile Office taking care of correspondence today.  

I'm so THANKFUL to our Lord for His blessings and for you, our faithful prayer partners.

Air Mobile Joe

9-5-24 Thursday 7:37 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


In scanning the Caribbean, we see some limited weather activity (5 Systems) , but overall, nothing serious...for now.

We are building up the Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers for the next disaster. 

 It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN this will happen.  We will be ready.

Folks, we want you to know just how much we appreciate you and your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-4-24 Wednesday 7:41 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


After a smooth flight on Allegiant from Sanford (Orlando) to Knoxville, I jumped in my Ford Escape and drove to our "Retreat Cabin".

Cindy baked a delicious apple pie and we played our game of  'Rummy". So good to be home!

This trip to Florida went well and I love spending time with my kids.  I'm also pleased at the progress being made on the "Little Donkey".

I'm reminded of one of my all-time favorite Scriptures....Romans 8:28 

We believe that the Little Donkey will fly again better than ever with fresh engines and full repair.

THANK YOU for walking down this 'Road of Life' with us and above all, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-3-24 Tuesday 7:25 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This afternoon, I'll board an Allegiant A-320 for Knoxville then home to my beloved Cindy this evening. 

Had a lovely time at my daughter Cherie's home.  Love those kids and grand kids!

This morning, I'll be meeting with Paul, my great aircraft mechanic, to go over our best strategy to get that sweet bird back into the air.

Then, if all goes as planned I'll be home at my wonderful "Retreat Cabin" and Cindy.

THANK YOU, as always, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-2-24 Monday 8:48 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Before arriving at Christian's home to watch the game, I looked in on the Little Donkey.

Today, I'll be meeting with the repair team to discuss the progress being made and the strategy to get that sweet bird back in the air.

As advertised, it was a great game between LSU & USC the final minute, USC prevailed and won the game 27-20.

Who is that short guy wearing #7?  

Back to the game.  LSU showed a lot of talent and strength.  The "Season is young".

Well, it's time to head to the airport to check in on the "Little Donkey".

THANK YOU, as always for your precious prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-1-24 Sunday 9:11 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I boarded an Allegiant A-320 in Knoxville and landed in Orlando (Sanford) just before midnight.  Had an excellent flight.

Picked up my rental car and headed straight to my son, Peter's home.

Later today, we'll gather at Christian's home (another one of my son's) to watch the Season Opener for LSU against USC.  It's going to be a great game. 

Tomorrow, I'll meet with my repair team regarding the best strategy to get the "Little Donkey" back in the air.

Then, will have a family get together at my daughter Cherie's home.

Going to be a fun couple of days.  So glad to have you meandering through my life with me.  I truly appreciate your prayer, love and support.

Air Mobile Joe  


9-18-24 Wednesday 8:05 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


9-17-24 Tuesday 8:01 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This morning, I'm getting fitted for my hearing-aids.  I'm very excited to hear better.

To those who have spoken with me, friends and family, hopefully, I'll not have to be saying this so often..."Could you please repeat that?" or "Say again?"

I know Cindy is also excited about the prospect of not having to repeat herself so often.

So, it's time to go and get fitted.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-16-24 Monday 8:10 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, Former President Donald Trump dodged another bullet, THANKS TO GOD & A KEEN-EYED SECRET SERVICE AGENT!!


Let us PRAY for President Trumps safety!!

Meanwhile, here at the "Retreat Cabin" our pressure-tank bladder blew.  Fortunately, we found a replacement tank quickly (the reason the blog is running a little late).

Rich and Jeremy are replacing it as I type this blog.

THANK GOD for good friends!

And I  THANK GOD for you, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-15-24 Sunday 5:46 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


All across America, millions are getting ready and heading to Church this morning.

I'm especially THANKFUL for the FREEDOM that we enjoy in this great country.  May we never take it for granted.

If we listen, we will find that Jesus is knocking on our door and wants to fellowship with us.

Let us PRAY for our Lord Jesus to open up our hearts to receive Him and fellowship with Him!

I still find it amazing that Jesus loves us so much that He wants to spend time with us.  THANK YOU JESUS for your great love!!

And THANK YOU, my dear Brothers & Sisters for your precious & sweet prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-14-24 Saturday 7:25 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Some chores just can't wait.  Like letting out the ducks & feeding them.  Likewise feeding the horses & donkeys and the list goes on.

Usually, I'm up early enough to write my blog and then do the chores. 

There are times that I just I just draw a blank and have to wait a bit before I write the "rambling blog".

At any rate, have been able to write & publish a blog every single day for over 14 years.

The blog is good therapy for me, especially when I'm in the middle of an intense "Mission" or just have a lot on my mind that I need to share with you. 

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you "Rambling" down this road of life with me.

Your prayer, love and support mean a lot to me.  THANK YOU!!

Air Mobile Joe  

9-13-24 Friday 8:17 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Every evening we put our ducks into their "Hoop Coop" to protect them from coyotes, raccoons and any other critter that has a taste for our water fowl.

The "Hoop Coop" is very secure and has never been breached since we made it 5+ years ago.

I love watching them file out every morning.  "Who let the ducks out" to the tune of "Who let the dogs out".

What a pleasant way to start the day.  Brings a smile to my face every time.

So today, will be working here at the lovely "Retreat Cabin".  

As I say every day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your vital prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-12-24 Thursday 7:19 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Between chores and securing critical components for the Little Donkey, I'm busy.

Paul is making good progress on the repair of this vital tool.  

Meanwhile, Dave Walen, a GREAT Water Mule, is tracking, what could be, a treasure cove of replacement components.

PLEASE PRAY with us that we make the Little Donkey greater than ever!

Again, I'm reminded of one of my all-time favorite Scriptures...Roman 8:28.

Well, it's time to get to work.  As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

9-11-24 Wednesday 7:37 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Where were you 23 years ago?  I remember that day very clearly.

May we never forget SEPTEMBER 11, 2001!



I am reminded of Joshua 24:15..."AS FOR ME & MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!"

 So, on this day, 23 years later, let us lean on and trust our Lord Jesus as never before!

Cindy and I are so THANKFUL for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-10-24 Tuesday 6:53 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This evening, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will meet face to face, for the first time in an epoch Debate.

May each show and reveal their true character.  We PRAY for God to reveal the TRUTH!


Remember, our PRAYERS are POWERFUL and may God  shine His light on TRUTH!!


Folks, Cindy and I are so BLESSED to have you joining together with us in PRAYER!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-9-24 Monday 6:26 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


In the midst of all of the Presidential ads and the many commentaries, I find myself PRAYING for our Lord's will to be done with America!

In just 57 days, America will vote.  In all my years, yes, I believe that this will be the most significant election of my life time.

Let us not forget just how important and powerful is PRAYER!! I urge you to join me in PRAYER FOR AMERICA!

I so appreciate your PRAYER.  Let us join together for His will to be done!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-8-24 Sunday 6:23 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


On this beautiful, crisp (46 degrees) morning I'm especially THANKFUL about the FREEDOM that we do have to Worship God here in America!

At the same time, bringing light on the fact that 1 in 7 Christians around the world (365 MILLION!) are enduring terrible persecution and the trend's getting worse!



So, as we get ready for Church this morning, may we remember those who are being tortured and murdered because they believe in and worship Christ.

Our PRAYER this morning we are, dear Lord, use us for your glory!

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-7-24 Saturday 7:39 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


At about 3:30 AM I awoke with this Scripture on my mind and heart...


I had the strongest impression that our Lord Jesus was knocking at my door and wanted to fellowship with me.  He did and we did.

For the next hour we had such sweet fellowship.  How many times has He knocked and...I wasn't listening.  What a lost opportunity to fellowship with Jesus.

During this time, between "Missions", I have so many opportunities to simply spend time with my Lord Jesus.

Imagine this...He actually wants to fellowship with you...& me.

What a perfect time to "Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you".

May I encourage to listen for the knock and the voice of Jesus. He loves you and truly cares for you! 

I want to THANK YOU again for meandering down this road of life with me.  

I so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe


9-6-24 Friday 6:46 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


While simply enjoying life here at our sweet "Retreat Cabin", thought I'd share a glimpse of our lovely Duck Haven.

The ducks are quacking and the cattle are lowing.  Life is good.

We're keeping a close eye on the Caribbean for possible hurricane activity.

Will be working in the Air Mobile Office taking care of correspondence today.  

I'm so THANKFUL to our Lord for His blessings and for you, our faithful prayer partners.

Air Mobile Joe

9-5-24 Thursday 7:37 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


In scanning the Caribbean, we see some limited weather activity (5 Systems) , but overall, nothing serious...for now.

We are building up the Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers for the next disaster. 

 It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN this will happen.  We will be ready.

Folks, we want you to know just how much we appreciate you and your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-4-24 Wednesday 7:41 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - The "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East Tennessee -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


After a smooth flight on Allegiant from Sanford (Orlando) to Knoxville, I jumped in my Ford Escape and drove to our "Retreat Cabin".

Cindy baked a delicious apple pie and we played our game of  'Rummy". So good to be home!

This trip to Florida went well and I love spending time with my kids.  I'm also pleased at the progress being made on the "Little Donkey".

I'm reminded of one of my all-time favorite Scriptures....Romans 8:28 

We believe that the Little Donkey will fly again better than ever with fresh engines and full repair.

THANK YOU for walking down this 'Road of Life' with us and above all, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-3-24 Tuesday 7:25 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This afternoon, I'll board an Allegiant A-320 for Knoxville then home to my beloved Cindy this evening. 

Had a lovely time at my daughter Cherie's home.  Love those kids and grand kids!

This morning, I'll be meeting with Paul, my great aircraft mechanic, to go over our best strategy to get that sweet bird back into the air.

Then, if all goes as planned I'll be home at my wonderful "Retreat Cabin" and Cindy.

THANK YOU, as always, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

9-2-24 Monday 8:48 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Before arriving at Christian's home to watch the game, I looked in on the Little Donkey.

Today, I'll be meeting with the repair team to discuss the progress being made and the strategy to get that sweet bird back in the air.

As advertised, it was a great game between LSU & USC the final minute, USC prevailed and won the game 27-20.

Who is that short guy wearing #7?  

Back to the game.  LSU showed a lot of talent and strength.  The "Season is young".

Well, it's time to head to the airport to check in on the "Little Donkey".

THANK YOU, as always for your precious prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

9-1-24 Sunday 9:11 AM (U.S. Eastern Time)  - Titusville, FL  -Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I boarded an Allegiant A-320 in Knoxville and landed in Orlando (Sanford) just before midnight.  Had an excellent flight.

Picked up my rental car and headed straight to my son, Peter's home.

Later today, we'll gather at Christian's home (another one of my son's) to watch the Season Opener for LSU against USC.  It's going to be a great game. 

Tomorrow, I'll meet with my repair team regarding the best strategy to get the "Little Donkey" back in the air.

Then, will have a family get together at my daughter Cherie's home.

Going to be a fun couple of days.  So glad to have you meandering through my life with me.  I truly appreciate your prayer, love and support.

Air Mobile Joe  


8-31-24 Saturday 7:31 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This evening, I'll board an Allegiant flight from Knoxville to Orlando (Sanford).

It's a joy to be heading  back to Florida to be with my kids and grand kids. 

Tomorrow evening, we'll watch my beloved LSU Tigers play USC in what is slated to be a great season opener. 

Will also be meeting with Paul (my aircraft mechanic), and getting a progress report on the Little Donkey repair.

Speaking of "Little Donkey", our new-born baby donkey is doing just fine and thriving.

Well, it's time for me to pack up and head to Knoxville to catch that Allegiant flight to Florida.

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

8-30-24 Friday 7:38 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


After extensive medical tests, which were taken due to a series of SPIKES, have come back NEGATIVE.  


I still have prostate cancer, but it has not grown or spread.  That too is in the hands of our Lord Jesus!!

As Cindy and I were leaving our cabin for my medical appointment in Knoxville yesterday morning, we found this wonderful scene unfold before our very eyes.

The birth of another baby donkey.  Here it is... 

After close inspection, we found out our new baby donkey is a "Jack" (Male).

Just one of the wonders and joy at our sweet "Retreat Cabin" on our little farm.

After this  wonderful encounter, we drove to Knoxville and got the good news of the battery of medical tests all coming back negative!

THANK YOU & again I say THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-29-24 Thursday 7:18 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


It would be an understatement to say that we love our ducks.  We've incubated, hatched and raised all of our ducks.

They are all special, but one in particular is very dear to me, "Gimpy".  Here she is.

We've kept an eye on "Gimpy" every day and we're sure she has access to food and water.  It's the little things in life that make it so precious.

BTW, Cindy has her own name for this precious duck.  It is "Rose".

Yesterday, Cindy drove me to Knoxville where I had a full body scan to track any additional cancer.  

Today, we'll return to Knoxville for more tests and will be meeting with my Urologists to discuss the results.  

We are TRUSTING GOD for whatever the results may be.  My life is in HIS HANDS!!

Cindy and I so appreciate you and are so THANKFUL  for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-28-24 Wednesday 5:49 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Cindy and I are driving to Knoxville this morning for more medical tests.

I'm THANKFUL for the excellent medical care that I have.  

However, I'm reminded of the fact that hundreds of millions (only God knows how many) receive little or no medical care.  My heart breaks for them.

While on the subject, Cindy and I will drive on smooth roads with plenty of gas and relative safety.  Again, I'm THANKFUL.

Again, I'm reminded of the millions who face extreme danger when just stepping out of doors.  Again...I PRAY!

With a THANKFUL heart, I go forth into this day knowing that Jesus is with me.  And I say, THANK YOU LORD!  Use me this day for your glory!

May I encourage you to look around and see the things you have for which to be THANKFUL. 

And, as I say to you each and every day, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe


8-27-24 Tuesday 8:27 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Recently, I had both knees replaced.  Now, I can walk.  Then I had cataracts removed.  Now, I can see.  Today, it's my ears.  I'll be getting fitted for hearing aids.

Getting old, does have Medicare.  

Folks, I'm extremely THANKFUL to be able to walk, see and soon, to be able to hear much better.  PRAISE GOD!!

BTW, my hearing had been damaged by thousands of flight hours without proper ear protection.

All of these wonderful "GIFTS" help me to serve my Lord Jesus with more ability.  And for that, I'M THANKFUL!!

Cindy will also be thankful for not having to repeat herself so often.

Well, it's time to go get those hearing aids.

I know that I say this every day, but it certainly bears repeating... THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-26-24 Monday 7:11 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe



So, on this lovely Monday morning, there's a lot of BLESSING going on.  

Later this week, I'll be getting several medical tests.  I am eager to find out the results.

Above all, I'm trusting our Lord with the results...whatever they are.

THANK YOU, for your truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe   

8-25-24 Sunday 7:28 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


As we ease toward Election Day 2024, the Polls are certainly gaining a lot of attention.  

However, remember, they are only POLLS!  

I try to not let them get me all riled up.  Instead, when the Polls come out, and they do every couple of days, may it simply be a time to PRAY for God's will to be done!

Then, His peace, which passeth all understanding will keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus.

So, on this lovely Sunday morning, as Cindy and I are getting ready for Church, I notice that the current Polls have it at a dead even.

There, thought I'd just share what's going on in my head and heart, and may His Peace flow like a river.

God bless you and THANKS for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

8-24-24 Saturday 6:31 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Air Mobile has been invited to the Cumberland Gap Baptist Association 'Missions Conference' today.  

This is our second year to attend and I know it will be a BLESSING.

The Conference begins at 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  A meal will be provided.

Hope  you can come see us!

The Conference will be at Pump Springs Baptist Church located at:

225 Pump Springs Road Harrogate, TN 37752

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-23-24 Friday 8:08 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I was reading Proverbs 23 today and came across verse 23.

There are so many voices saying so many things.  May we invest in finding TRUTH & holding tight to it, not letting it go.

It behooves us to seek TRUTH, WISDOM & INSTRUCTION from our Lord.

I am reminded of the Words of our Lord Jesus that in Matthew 24, the End Times, there will be great DECEPTION.

May our Lord Jesus lead us into the TRUTH!

Meanwhile...we're just enjoying life here at our sweet "Retreat Cabin".

THANK YOU, as always, for your faithful prayer, love and support.

Air Mobile Joe


8-22-24 Thursday 7:27 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


My prayer today is for our Lord to lead and guide me each step of the way.

For now, I'm staying close to this sweet "Retreat Cabin".  Have more medical tests scheduled next week.  I am eager to learn the results.

Will be working in the Air Mobile Office taking care of the usual paperwork and business of Air Mobile.

I want you to know just how much I appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

8-21-24 Wednesday 6:53 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Spending time with the ducks is a pure pleasure.  In between chores and office work and medical tests, there are our wonderful ducks.  

Just spending a little time with them is great therapy.  We're just so THANKFUL for our lovely valley and sweet Retreat Cabin.

Meanwhile, the time in the Air Mobile Office is a great time to connect with you, via old-fashioned "snail mail".

  We're so THANKFUL to have you along with us on this ride. 

We pray you're blessed today!!

Air Mobile Joe 

8-20-24 Tuesday, 6:29 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


For the next few days, I'll be working in the Air Mobile Office.  

I'll be sending out receipt letters and responding to general correspondence.  For me, this is a "Labor of Love".

While awaiting the results and scheduling multiple medical tests, it is a good time to catch up and reach out to our faithful supporters, prayer partners and friends.

Folks, I so appreciate you!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-19-24 Monday, 6:59 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


As the Democratic Convention begins today in Chicago, one can sense the TENSION in the air.  

Up to 100,000 Protesters are gathering in Chicago to have their voices heard.  

There is great potential for violence to break out and we PRAY it does not happen.

I am THANKFUL that our government does allow PEACEFUL PROTEST and we PRAY it remains that way.

However, I am disgusted by the open and blatant ANTI-SEMITISM that I hear coming from many of the Protesters. 

In the meantime, I'm awaiting test results and scheduling more tests in the pursuit of locating and dealing with cancer.  

Above all, I'm standing for healing and putting my trust and faith in my Lord Jesus.

I truly appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

8-18-24 Sunday, 8:02 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Here at the sweet "Retreat Cabin", while awaiting test results and scheduling additional Tests, I just enjoy our little slice of heaven here in the mountains of East Tennessee.

After the "Chores", that are ever present, Cindy and I often play Rummy. 


In the evening, we'll watch an episode or two of the "Walton's" which does an amazing job of "capturing" life in the Mountains of Virginia in the 40's.

Meanwhile, we're experiencing the "Empty Nest Syndrome". 

We sure do miss our Ariana who is beginning her first week of College at Florida Tech, on Monday.

Well, we're getting ready for Church at Little Mulberry Baptist this morning.  We love our little Church and Pastor John.  

We're ever THANKFUL for your invaluable and truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-17-24 Saturday, 7:05 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe

After more tests have been done, there are still more scheduled.  

Yes, I am EAGER to get them done and see the results.

And, above all, I am TRUSTING my Lord and Savior to keep me in His Hands.  Yes, I am believing God for HEALING.

You know, in this past year, I have had both knees replaced and cataracts removed.  I am getting strong and stronger.  

Recently, while we were in Italy, in one day, I walked 5.4 miles!!  Haven't done that in many years.  The new knees are working great!!  

I believe that our Lord is not finished with me yet.

Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

So, again, I ask you to continue to join with me with your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-16-24 Friday, 7:40 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I'm amazed at how much information is contained in our blood.

Certainly, when a "warning" (like a spike) occurs, one can deal with it and work on it before it becomes too wide-spread.

That is exactly what is happening here.  It also helps to have an RN (Registered Nurse) for my wife.  I THANK GOD for Cindy!!

Her knowledge and experience is such an incredible BLESSING!!

So, after my appointment with my Urologist, Dr. Hatcher, yesterday more tests have been ordered....& that's OK!  

The more info we can gain, the better.

Today, I'll be having more tests and meeting my Hematologist.  And, above all, my trust and faith is in my Lord Jesus!

Again, I'm so THANKFUL for good medical care. I say every single day and mean with all of my heart...THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-15-24 Thursday, 7:21 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Today, Cindy and I are driving to Knoxville to see my Urologist.  We should know a lot more after this visit.

One thing is for sure, I'm leaning on our Lord Jesus and seeking His will for my life.  

He has brought me safe thus far and I will continually place my life in His Hands!


I am so THANKFUL having you with me on this journey. THANK YOU again for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-14-24 Wednesday, 7:20 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, visited my Doctor to go over some blood test results drawn previously.  

As a result, got a few more tests done and now, we'll analyze the results and go from there.

Again, so THANKFUL for excellent medical care.

As some of you may know, I have Prostate Cancer.  It has been under surveillance for  5+ years and has pretty much remained unchanged.  I've gotten PSA Tests done regularly to monitor any movement or growth.

Well, the recent tests indicate that there may be something going on.  Thanks to a timely cancellation of another patient, I've been "squeezed" in to an appointment tomorrow with my Urologists to go over these results.

I want to THANK YOU for your FAITHFUL  prayer, love and support.  I'll let you know how things are going as they develop!

Air Mobile Joe

8-13-24 Tuesday, 8:39 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Cindy had a pleasant, 1 hour 15 minutes flight from Sanford (Orlando) to Knoxville where I picked her up.  

We arrived at our "Retreat Cabin" just after 1:00 AM.

So good having her home after spending a week in Rome, Italy and then a week in Florida getting our  Ari all settled in to Florida Tech.

I can tell you, all of our critters, horses, donkeys, ducks, dogs and cats and especially me... are just so happy to have Cindy home.

Meanwhile, our "Flight Team", Paul, Dave and Lee are working diligently on getting Air Mobile back in the air.  

We're looking at a number of options, including purchasing a replacement aircraft and then putting the Little Donkey back together over a period of time.

May our Lord lead us each step of the way.  Well, it's time to get on with the daily chores, here at the Retreat Cabin.

Folks, I truly appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-12-24 Monday, 7:21 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


This evening, Cindy will arrive on Allegiant Airlines from Florida.

PRAISE GOD!  It'll be so good having her home.  I've held down the fort here at our sweet "Retrrat Cabin".

Ariana is all settled in at Florida Tech and beginning her first day of Orientation.

What an amazing Journey that Ari has been on.

Folks, we so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-11-24 Sunday, 6:59 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


For the last 6 months, we've kept the main gate to our upper field closed to our horses and donkeys.  This is to allow our hay to fully mature.

Once the hay was cut and rolled and taken away, we could then OPEN THE GATE and here's what happened...

And here's what Ti Gato thinks about this open field ...a nice embracing roll.

Just watching our horses gallop with such happiness is a pure joy to behold.

We're so glad to have 'RESCUED' our 3 horses and 3 donkeys.  What a pure BLESSING they have been to us.

Meanwhile, down in Florida, Cindy helped Ari move into her dorm this morning.

She will begin Orientation at Florida Tech on Monday morning.  We're so proud of Ari!!

This morning, I'll be attending Little Mulberry Baptist.  So good to be back in our home church.

THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-10-24 Saturday, 6:55 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I'm eagerly awaiting the return of my Cindy.  Tomorrow, she will be helping Ariana move into her dorm at Florida Tech.  

Again, THANK YOU Florida Tech for the full-ride scholarship for our Ariana!!

Then, Monday evening, Cindy will board an Allegiant flight from Sanford (Orlando) to Knoxville where I'll pick her up around midnight.  I've sure missed my Cindy!

I've been holding down the farm and taking care of all of our critters.

Just THANKING God for giving us this wonderful place and sweet "Retreat Cabin".

Have also been in touch with our Aircraft Maintenance Team about the next steps to getting that Little Donkey back into the air.  I'm especially THANKFUL to have Paul and company working on this noble mission.

THANK YOU, as always for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-9-24 Friday, 7:37 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, we began to roll the bales, compliments of our good neighbors.

Love having the right equipment to get the job done. Here, you can witness a bale rolling out.

Well, we had a good harvest of hay. Thanks to our good neighbors who lent a hand and a good hay baler.

It's good be here at our little farm taking care of our critters.  

Meanwhile, down in Florida, Cindy and Ari are getting ready to move Ariana into her new dorm on Sunday.

Now, Ari has had quite the time, spending 6 months on the YWAM Around the World Mission.  

Then going to Rome and Italy with Cindy, Peter and I and then...coming to Florida to begin college at Florida Tech. GO ARI!!!

So, it's time for me to get on with the "chores".  As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-8-24 Thursday, 7:23 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Had X-Rays done on my left knee.  The Little Donkey crash bruised the knee, but did not damage any of the "hardware"....PRAISE GOD!!

I'm still amazed at just how well these bionic knees are doing.  So THANKFUL to be able to walk again.

Meanwhile, we're "making hay...while the sun shines".  Nice to lay up hay for winter time.

Had a very encouraging conversation with our mechanic, Paul.  We've gotten the clearance from our insurance company to begin the repair of the Little Donkey.

Paul will be pulling the props and engines to have them repaired or overhauled as required. Then we'll begin with the sheet metal repair on the belly.

PLEASE PRAY that all goes well and we'll get that Little Donkey back in the air better than ever!!

THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-7-24 Wednesday, 5:54 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I spoke with my surgeon, Dr. Christopher yesterday evening.  I asked if we could take a look at my right knee.  Since my airplane accident, I've had some steady pain there.

He "squeezed" me into an 8:00am appointment this morning.  THANKS DOC!

As I've said multiple times, I'm so THANKFUL for the good medical care that we have here.

Meanwhile, Cindy and Ariana are finally enjoying some of that good old Florida sunshine after days and days of rain.

Cindy is helping Ariana to get settled in for her first year of college at Florida Tech.

Ari certainly has had an exciting 6 months traveling around the world.  We're so proud of Ari!!

Well, it's time for me to go to the doctor to have my knee looked at.  

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

8-6-24 Tuesday, 6:22 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "Retreat Cabin"  - In the Mountains of East TN -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Pulled up to our sweet "Retreat Cabin" yesterday afternoon.  It's good to be home!

On yesterday's Blog, I erroneously reported on Hurricane Lee.  It was just a mistake.  As I was getting the latest update on Hurricane Debby, I saw an old story on Hurricane Lee and thought it was current.

A number of you quickly wrote me about the error and when I got home, I corrected it.  THANKS for paying attention.

Meanwhile, Cindy and Ari are in Cocoa Beach getting Ari all moved in to her dorm at F.I.T.  

Hurricane Debby has moved up and is pounding and flooding South Carolina.

I've got a bunch of chores here on our little farm.  Again, it's good to be home.

THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

8-5-24 Monday, 7:57 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "HOMEWARD BOUND"  - Orangeburg, SC -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday morning, we finally landed in Orlando from Rome.  We were greeted by our dear friends, Lisa and Alfred Menendez.  

After collecting our bags, we headed to Shiloh's right on the Indian River across from NASA - Kennedy Space Center.  

Had a delicious lunch after many  airline meals on long flights.

Hurricane Debby was knocking at our door with 60+ MPH winds and growing.

After our lunch, I headed back up to Tennessee with Hurricane Debby nipping on my heals.

Meanwhile, Cindy and Ari remained in Florida to get Ari fully enrolled & settled - in to Florida Institute of  Technology (F.I.T.).

BTW, we're extremely grateful F.I.T. for giving our Ariana a full-ride scholarship!  THANK YOU F.I.T.!!!

Well, I drove to the half way point between Florida and our beloved "Retreat Cabin" in Tennessee.  

Found a comfortable bed in Orangeburg, SC.  Got a very nice, long sleep after a long, over the ocean flight from Rome.

This morning, I'll continue my journey to TN.  Cindy and Ari are feeling the winds from Hurricane Debby, but are in a very secure, safe place riding out the storm.

Time to definitely batten down the hatches and stock up on the essentials (Food, Water, Medicine, Batteries, etc..) !!

It's time to pack up and drive the rest of the journey to our beloved "Retreat Cabin".

As I say every single day, and truly mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe     

8-4-24 Sunday, 3:59 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  Charlotte International Airport -  Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Cindy, Ari, Peter and I boarded an American Airlines  Flight from Rome to Philadelphia yesterday morning. 10 hours later, we landed in Philadelphia.

Weather was crazy causing all kind of delays on the East Coast.  We were in several seemingly endless lines and it looked like we'd miss our connection.

Then...the announcement came that our flight was also delayed by hours.  So, here we are in Charlotte waiting for our morning flight to Orlando.

Rome was absolutely incredible.  We hope to return one day.  So many pleasurable memories. 

So glad to have Ari back from her world-wide YWAM Mission.

It's time for me to go find our departure gate.  Things are still changing due to the weather.

THANK YOU for your prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-3-24 Saturday, 7:42 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Today, we will catch an American flight departing Rome for the U.S. (Philadelphia - Charlotte - Orlando).

Cindy did an amazing job of coordinating this wonderful "Roman Holiday" with Ariana's completion of her 6 Month YWAM - Around the World Mission.  

Ari had a incredible time of spiritual growth and love for our Lord Jesus!

Last night, we had a delicious dinner at one of the many fine restaurants that Rome has to offer. 

So, it's time to head to the airport for our first leg home (a 10 hour flight over the ocean).

THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

8-2-24 Friday, 8:55 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


We departed the absolutely lovely city of Pitigliano to Rome.  

We took the back roads and so enjoyed the beautiful country side of Italy.

I must admit, sure did enjoy driving the Fiat 500L.  

Once back in Rome, we turned in our rental and went back to Uber....that works quite well.

After a time of rest, we headed back out to discover more fountains (many of which were built in the 1600's).

Then, another delicious classic Roman dinner.

BTW, we found out that the famous Appian Way is now a walking / bike trail.  

Somewhere along the trail is where the the Apostle Paul met with the Roman Believers (Acts 28).  We'll save that adventure for our next journey to Rome. 

Tomorrow we depart for the U.S.  Oh Folks, we have enjoyed this "Roman Adventure" so much.  

Also, what a great meeting place to join up with Ariana after here amazing 6 months YWAM Mission).

So, it's time to head out for another walking tour here in Rome.  No telling what we'll find along the way.

THANK YOU, as always, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  


8-1-24 Thursday, 8:08 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


We spent yesterday hanging out in, and exploring the ancient city of Pitigliano.

This town is considered "One of the most beautiful villages in all of Italy".  We certainly agree.  

It is also referred to as "Little Jerusalem" because it was a refuge during intense Jewish Persecution".

Here's a bit of history according to Wikipedia - WIKIPEDIA ON PITIGLIANO

Pitigliano is also known for it's glorious hot springs.  We certainly enjoyed them.

We wrapped up this day with a couple of Pizza's "to go" from the Piccadilly Cafe'.  

Sure have enjoyed scooting around in the Fiat 500L.

Today, we'll head back to Rome via the Appian Way and the Three Taverns.  

This ancient "RENDEZVOUZ POINT" is spoken about in the Book of Acts 28:15.

I can hardly wait to stand at this spot of Biblical History.

So, it's time to pack up and depart this lovely town Pitigliano and return to Rome to continue this wonderful journey.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-31-24 Wednesday, 6:56 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, we picked up our rental car, a Fiat 500L and struck out for Assisi.  It was a lovely 2 hour drive through the heart of Italy.

Cindy, since she was a little girl, has been inspired by Saint Francis.  

This has been a dream come true for her to visit the birth-place of Francis.  The life of Francis also inspired her to go to the "Mission Field" in Haiti.

The story of Francis begins with a young man returning from a terrible War and suffering horribly from PTSD and then....finding AMAZING GRACE & HEALING FROM OUR LORD JESUS.  What a story!

We then departed Assisi for Pitigliano, once a refuge for  Jews fleeing persecution.

It was another spectacular ride through the "heartland" of Italy.

We arrived in Pitigliano at dusk in time for an amazing dinner in a gorgeous setting with the a spectacular sunset.

Today, we're going to explore "The Little Jerusalem" of Pitigliano.

THANK YOU for meandering down this road of life with us on so many wonderful adventures!!  We so appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  

7-30-24 Tuesday, 6:56 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


We had a wonderful 3 hour tour of Vatican City.  So many breath-taking works of art with excellent insights and history.

Here's more on this amazing "City" within a City - THE GEOGRAPHY OF VATICAN CITY

To say that it is overwhelming would be a great under-statement.

To see the original works of art by Michael Angelo and so many others simply took my breath away.

If you ever go to Rome, be sure to get the guided tour of Vatican City.

We found a wonderful Roman Cafe' and enjoyed the cuisine.  Headed back to our Air BnB to rest a bit and then, in the evening, took a nice stroll to the Pantheon.

Today, we're renting a car and headed to Assisi and beyond.  

THANK YOU for meandering down this "Road of Life" with us.  We so appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-29-24 Monday, 7:56 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Of course, we had to go and see for ourselves "The Coliseum" and "The Forum".  All I can say is...WOW!

The fact that so much of the Coliseum is still standing is such a tribute to the genius and engineering marvel before our eyes.

In scanning the wonder of this incredible structure, we're reminded of how many died in this very arena.  

So many Christians made their stand with their Testimony and...  loved not their lives even unto death.

The Church is still alive!!

At the end of the day, Cindy, Peter and Ariana took a nice stroll to the Beautiful "Trevi Fountain"....

I stayed back and rested my knees....that are holding up quite well following surgery.

Today, we tour the Vatican!  Looking forward the history and beauty.

THANK YOU again for joining us on the "Roman Adventure".  We so appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-28-24 Sunday, 9:50 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday afternoon, Cindy, Peter and I eagerly awaited Ari to arrive in Rome.  We had landed 6 hours before when...Ari walked through the arrival portal!

Can't begin to tell you how thrilled we are to have Ari back from her "Round the World Mission"!

After meeting up with our driver, we went straight to our B&B.  It was clean and simple.

We stepped out and walked about 200' and found a lovely, sidewalk Cafe.

The classic Roman Dinner was absolutely delicious.  What a way to start the Roman Adventure!

After 30+ hours with little or no sleep, we collapsed into sweet sleep and are up and ready to head to the Coliseum & the Forum.

The Adventure continues!!  So glad you can join on the Roman Holiday! 

Air Mobile Joe 

7-27-24 Saturday, 10:03 AM (Rome Italy Time) "On  A Roman Holiday"  - Note: Rome time is 6 hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Time - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday morning, our good friend Alfred Menendez dropped Cindy, Peter and me at Orlando International Airport.

We made the 2 hour flight to Dallas and quickly boarded an American 777-200 for the direct flight to Rome, Italy.

All night, we crossed the Atlantic and 10+ hours later we landed in Rome.

So far, so good.  We're waiting for Ariana to arrive from Munich.

It's been 6 months since we've seen Ari and we  can hardly wait to see her!!

Our Roman Adventure has just begun!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-26-24 Friday, 6:15 AM (US Eastern Time) - "On To A Roman Holiday" - Titusville, FL - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


All of the pieces have come together and we've gathered at Peter's Condo in Titusville, FL.

Today, God willing, Cindy, Peter and I will  fly from Orlando to Rome via Dallas.  We're so excited to be with Ariana today in Rome...if all goes well, and we pray it does.

Yesterday, I had the privilege to meet Copeland and Enid Harris at the Space Coast Regional airport.  They are Jamaicans who live in Orlando.  They have a wonderful heart to serve our Lord Jesus. 

We trained them on the operation of the Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifier. 

Then, with Great Joy, we presented them with 2 "Rescuers" for deployment in the little village of Treasure area devastated by Hurricane Beryl.

Our good friend, Alfred Menendez will give us ride to the Orlando Airport this morning.

Folks, we're so glad to have you with us on this exciting adventure to Rome and beyond.  We so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-25-24 Thursday, 6:29 AM (US Eastern Time) - "On The Road" - Heading to Florida and then Rome - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Cindy and I departed our sweet "Retreat Cabin" yesterday afternoon...heading to Florida.

There was constant rain and heavy construction all along the way.

Around 10:00pm, we decided to call it a day and we found a comfortable room in Columbia, SC.  Enough is enough.

This morning, we'll complete our journey to Florida where we'll meet with Peter, our son.  We'll also present two Air Mobile Rescuers Water Purifiers to our friend, Copeland Harris.

Copeland has long supported works in Jamaica as well as in Orlando.  

Our Lord arranged for our paths to cross allowing us to bring CLEAN WATER to the Southwest Coast of Jamaica that has been "flattened" by Hurricane Beryl.  Looking forward to meeting him!

We'll then meet up with Peter and prepare for our Friday morning flight to Rome!  We're excited to see Peter and to meet up with Ariana who has just complete her 6 month "Mission" with YWAM!!

We can hardly wait to see Ari!!!

We'll have a few free days to explore Rome and beyond.  Apart from "passing through Rome", it will be our first time to tour Italy.

Well, it's time to get our "free breakfast" at the Hampton Inn.  As always, THANK YOU for walking down this "road of life" with me and above all, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-24-24 Wednesday, 6:55 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Later this afternoon, Cindy and I will begin our 12 hour drive down to Florida.  We'll likely sleep somewhere in South Carolina tonight.

Our plan is to arrive in Florida on Thursday.  We'll be meeting with our dear friend from Jamaica, Copeland Harris.  

We'll present 2 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers to Copeland for deployment in an extremely hard-hit area of Jamaica following Hurricane Beryl's terrible slash through Jamaica.

Then, on Friday morning Cindy, Peter and I will board a flight to Rome, Italy where we'll  join our daughter, Ariana.

Ariana is just completing an epic 6 month "Mission" with WYAM (Youth With A Mission).

Oh, we have sure missed Ariana for these last 6 months.  Yet, we know that she has grown so much in the Lord!!

Then....we'll spend the next 6 days exploring Rome & beyond and just having a wonderful time together.

It's been a long time since we've had a vacation.  We're THANKFUL to our Lord for His goodness to us!! 

We're so glad that you've joined us on this incredible journey.  We so appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-23-24 Tuesday, 7:27 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" - In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, I drove to Virginia Beach and met with U.S. Operation Blessing  Director, Anthony Lloyd and his associate Mason Pigue.

I delivered 4 more Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers to bring their inventory up to an acceptable level.

As I've said before, it's a joy working with these folks.  They are definitely getting ready for....what might lie ahead.

I'm THANKFUL for this wonderful relationship.  Together, we have delivered over 100 "Rescuers" around the world bringing CLEAN WATER where desperately needed IN JESUS NAME.

I'm ever reminded of the Words of our Lord Jesus...."I was thirsty and you gave me to drink...."

After delivering the 4 Rescuers, I hit the road for the 500 mile journey back to my sweet "Retreat Cabin" and my Cindy.


Now, folks, Cindy and I are planning another trip to meet our daughter, Ariana in Rome.  

She just graduated a 6 month "Mission" with YWAM (Youth with a Mission).  Oh, we are so proud of Ari and can hardly wait to see her.  More details to come...

And, as always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  

7-22-24 Monday, 7:21 AM (US Eastern Time) - "On The Road" In Staunton, VA heading to Virginia Beach - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


Departed the "Retreat Cabin" yesterday afternoon with 4 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers. Drove to Staunton, VA and found a comfortable bed.

Scheduled to arrive at  Operation Blessing (OB) at noon today.  Looking forward to meeting with Anthony Lloyd (US Director of OB) and Mason Pique (OB Inventory Management).

I have had the distinct privilege to work with both, CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) & OB for years in multiple countries.  Here are a few...Nepal, Ecuador, Peru, Turkey, Puerto Rico.  

We have deployed over 100 Air Mobile Rescuers together. 

Only our Lord knows how many people are having CLEAN DRINKING WATER as a result of our efforts.

Today, we will meet to discuss ways that we can do more and do better with this amazing Purifier.

It's time to hit the road (a 3 hour drive) for Operation Blessing in Virginia Beach.  

As I say every single day and truly mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for invaluable and precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe


7-21-24 Sunday, 8:06 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


I'll be hitting the road today to meet Operation Blessing (OB) on Monday.

I'll have 4 "Air Mobile Rescuers" with me to replenish OB's inventory. 

I'm reminded of Matthew 25 where Jesus gives us the parable of the 10 Virgins, 5 wise and 5 foolish.  

The "Wise Virgins" had extra oil to keep their lamps burning.  The "Foolish Virgins" ran out.  

I so appreciate OB getting "ready" with the ability to make CLEAN WATER.... for what might lie ahead.  GO OB!!

Well, it's time to hit the road for the 500 mile drive to Virginia Beach.  THANK YOU, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-20-24 Saturday, 7:49 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by: Air Mobile Joe


On this lovely Saturday, reading in great depth, the insurance policy that Air Mobile holds on the Little Donkey.

I PRAISE GOD, for my good friend and excellent lawyer, Dave Walen for helping us to navigate the policy and get our maximum coverage for our sweet little aircraft.

I'm ever reminded of the wise words, from my first Pastor, Roy Stockstill..."Remember son, God knows how to deploy His troops."

As you may know, Dave is also an extraordinary pilot and also a great A&P mechanic.  

He has flown all over the Western Hemisphere with me and the "Little Donkey".  So glad to have Dave as my friend and brother in the Lord!

Our goal is to be sure that God has the best possible result for Air Mobile Ministries.

However, the extent of the damage and projected repair may exceed the amount of coverage that we hold.

PLEASE PRAY that we accomplish that goal and that it will allow Air Mobile to reach into the "Hard to Reach Areas" with life-saving CLEAN WATER!

In the meantime, I am preparing to depart for Operation Blessing in Virginia Beach tomorrow after church.  I'll be bringing them 4 "Rescuers".  

We love these guys and have deployed "Rescuers" all over the world in behalf of CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) and Operation Blessing (OB).

THANK YOU, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-19-24 Friday 6:56 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


This last week has been absolutely extraordinary!  

From the Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald Trump, to the Miraculous Divine Intervention (of dodging the bullets) and one of the most amazing Political Conventions I have ever witnessed, we have a new hope for the future of America.

Cindy and I find ourselves PRAYING harder than ever for the protection of Donald Trump and for our Lord's Will to be Done with America!!

In the meantime, we're busy here at the "Retreat Cabin" with the usual chores.

Early next week, I'll be delivering 4 Air Mobile Rescuers to Operation Blessing in Virginia Beach.  This will replenish their inventory of "Rescuers" for what may lie ahead.  

We're also working on getting several "Rescuers" to Jamaica by way of Brother Copeland Harris.  They will be going into a small fishing village on the Southwest Coast of Jamaica that was just flattened by Hurricane Beryl.

Our mechanic, Paul Jenny is still evaluating the damage to the Little Donkey and is working with our Insurance Company to determine how to get that sweet bird back into the air.

Life goes on and we're just THANKFUL to our Lord Jesus for his blessings and grace!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-18-24 Thursday 7:27 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Cindy and I are just enjoying our life here at this sweet "Retreat Cabin".

We just incubated 7 little baby ducks and this morning let them out of their transitional brooder into our lovely duck garden.

Take a look...BABY DUCK

So for now, we're simply enjoying our peaceful and fruitful life here at our little farm.

We're looking forward to hearing the final evening of the RNC.  Former President Trump will be speaking for the first time since his Assassination attempt and MIRACULOUS DIVINE INTERVENTION!!  

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-17-24 Wednesday 7:17 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


As we watched the RNC Convention last night, we had the strong sense that indeed, History was unfolding before our very eyes.

Saturday evening, when President Trump was shot and...miraculously survived this vicious attack, our hearts knew that we had witnessed a true MIRACLE!

God's Hand is on this election and again...we pray "GOD'S WILL BE DONE"!!


We were also very pleased to receive a powerful endorsement of our amazing Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifier, by our good friend and fellow "Prepper" Jason Charles, aka:  "THE ANGRY PREPPER".

Jason began a series on, as he refers to "The Mother of all Purification Systems".

Take a look at this first, in a series demonstrating the "Rescuer".  Here's the "YouTube" - "THE MOTHER OF ALL PURIFICATION SYSTEMS

We'll post the next YouTube as Jason sets up the unit and takes very dirty water and makes it very clean!

Jason is extremely knowledgeable about serious prepping and has a heart of gold but...uses a bit of colorful language from time to time.  WE LOVE JASON!!

We THANK GOD for giving us this incredible machine that is a true "Life Saver" following most any disaster.

I also want to THANK YOU for walking down this road of life with Cindy and I.  We so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-16-24 Tuesday 7:19 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


As I watched President Trump slowly walk into Fiserv Arena last night, the crowd raised the roof with cheers.  

Trump walked slowly and deliberately.  You could read his lips saying quietly ..."THANK YOU, THANK YOU".

I truly believe that President Trump knows very well that the Hand of God was on him and truly, God saved his life!

Again, all we can say is PRAISE GOD!!

So, I want to THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-15-24 Monday 7:11 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


There is no doubt, that this ASSANNATION ATTEMPT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP will go down in History and I further believe that the MIRACLE of a microscopic head turn saved President Trumps life! 

And Cindy and I give God all the GLORY for this MIRACLE!

We are PRAYING for our Lord Jesus to keep His Hand on President Trump!

We are PRAYING for the temperature of this historic election to tamp down and that our Lord's Will, will be done!!!

Well, it's time to get to work on our little farm.  There are always chores and repairs to be done.

Meanwhile, we are researching the conditions in the Grenadines and their need for CLEAN WATER!  We have 10 units ready to deploy.  

Please join us in PRAYER that we go where our Lord wants us to go. I say every single day, and yes, mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-14-24 Sunday 7:48 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Cindy and I, like millions of others witnessed this dramatic, miraculous ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on PRESIDENT TRUMP!  

A split second and a microscopic movement of his head saved his life!  Again, all we can say is PRAISE GOD!!!


Trump: 'It Was God Alone Who Prevented the Unthinkable'

PLEASE join us in PRAYER for President Trump's PROTECTION!!

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-13-24 Saturday 7:16 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


I like to find a quiet spot, here at the "Retreat Cabin", and simply sit and enjoy the peace that surrounds me.

It is a wonderful time with my Lord & Savior to simply relish the moment and grow closer to Jesus.

The "Next Mission" lies right around the corner.  For now, we're working on getting the Little Donkey back together.

We have 10 Air Mobile Rescuers positioned in Florida and ready to be deployed where our Lord wants them to go.

I have reflected a great deal about the accident with the Little Donkey.  I am EXTREMELY grateful to our Lord for protecting me from injury.

I also know that HE will work this for the good.

And I stand on Romans 8:28....ALL THINGS work together for the good...

So, on this beautiful morning, here at the "Retreat Cabin", I seek and enjoy His Peace that passes all understanding.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-12-24 Friday 8:11 AM (US Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, I boarded an Allegiant flight in Sanford for the quick flight (1.5 hours) back to Knoxville, TN.  Had a perfect flight.

So much better than the 12 hour drive!


Cindy picked me up and good to be home.  Of course, once settled in, there are plenty of chores and repairs to be done around our little farm.

Back in Titusville, Paul is putting together the estimate of what it will take to get my precious "Little Donkey" back in the air.  

This sweet little airplane is just the perfect / scout / rapid delivery / rescue / long range aircraft.  It is certainly well worth repairing.  For now, we're just waiting for the numbers to come in. 

Well, it's time to get on with those chores and intermingle them with rest and relaxation here in the Mountains of East TN.  Nice to "Retreat / Refresh & Recharge".

THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-11-24 Thursday 6:18 AM (US Eastern Time) - Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Paul, our great mechanic, spent hour after hour opening up critical inspection plates and making phone calls to important sources of parts and repairs.

At the end of Paul's extensive inspection....he concluded that the Little Donkey just may be repairable after all.

We still have more and deeper inspections far so good.

I immediately sent off a trove of photos and documents to our Insurance company.

We're moving ahead, at a good clip, to get all of our documentation in and get a determination from our Insurance Company as to whether they will "Total" it out or give a fair figure to REPAIR the Little Donkey.

I've done all I can do for time-being.  

I've scheduled an Allegiant Flight back to our sweet "Retreat Cabin" and my precious Cindy today.

It will be good to be home.  We're still working on a way and time to get those 10 Air Mobile Rescuers into the Grenadines.  For now....I'll rest a bit and tackle that challenge a little later.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-10-24 Wednesday 6:18 AM (US Eastern Time) - Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Today, our mechanic, Paul will be doing a very deep inspection on the Little Donkey to look for structural damage.  

Both engines will need to be torn down due to prop strikes.  All of these factors and inspections will determine whether or not this sweet little bird can be repaired.

As you, who meander down this "Road of Life" with me well know, I LOVE THE LITTLE DONKEY. For these last 14 years, it has been an extraordinary aircraft delivering me and Air Mobile to so many disasters around the world.

With our Lord's help, we have brought CLEAN WATER to countless thousands.  Only our Lord knows.  We will continue to do so!


We'll do our best and fully seek our Lord's direction as to what to do to get Air Mobile back in the air.

I want to give a very special THANKS to the Airport Authority and the mechanics (Lee & Steve) & others who rushed to the accident and carefully helped us get the Little Donkey off of Runway 18.

So, today, we'll be gathering all of the information required by our insurance company to determine which way to go.

As I say every single day, and yes, mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  

7-9-24 Tuesday 8:23 AM (US Eastern Time) - Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe 


Here's what happened.  Yesterday, I decided to take the Little Donkey up for a series of Short-Field Take-Offs & Landings.  

I knew that there were several airstrips in St. Vincent that were quite short and I wanted to be proficient on these maneuvers.

The first went perfect. On the second one, I tightened up the pattern.  It went well.  

On the third approach, I tightened up the pattern even more.  I experienced several strong wind gusts and corrected but...failed to lower the landing gear.  I crashed.  

There is a whole lot more I could say, but for now, I'm both sad at the damage to the Little Donkey and THANKFUL for our Lord Jesus' protection.

We are immediately looking for ways to get to St. Vincent and strategically place and deploy those 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers.

I'll write more later.  As always, THANK YOU for your vital and precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

 7-8-24 Monday 6:52 AM (US Eastern Time) - Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe 


We have access to all 14 our fuel tanks, in the Little Donkey, now that the transfer pump has been repaired and functioning perfectly.

Today, we're doing final routing and verification.  We have found acceptable fueling locations for our mission.

I'm awaiting my faithful other pilot, Dave Walen to return from Wilmington, NC. to make this flight with me.

At this point, we will likely depart for the "Grenadines" (TVSA) that have been hammered by Hurricane Beryl tomorrow. 

This mechanical delay, is enabling us to add more donations to this critical mission.  

We are, as we often do, launching out "By Faith".  But folks, this is a very long and complicated flight and we truly need additional funding.


You may go to: and click on the DONATE BUTTON.

THANK YOU, again for your faithful prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-7-24 Sunday 6:54 AM (US Eastern Time) - Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


While waiting for the fuel transfer pump to be installed, here at Space Coast Regional Airport, I've been planning the route into the hardest hit areas from Hurricane Beryl.

Looks like our first stop will be from KTIX to KMAZ Mayaquez, Puerto Rico, a 970 nautical mile leg.  

The big challenge is finding enough fuel to get to the hardest hit area and then having enough fuel on-board to safely return to our base.

This is a "stock shot" of me fueling the Little Donkey somewhere in the Caribbean. 

I personally fuel the Little Donkey to be sure that we squeeze in every drop of fuel into those 14 fuel tanks.

We're leaning toward directing our flights into the Grenada, Grenadine region.  They were hit extremely hard by Beryl. We're getting reports of severe damage in that region.

So, while we're awaiting the transfer pump, we continue to research and determine the best way to get CLEAN WATER TO THE THIRSTY!

THANK YOU, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe  

 7-6-24 Saturday 7:34 AM (US Eastern Time) - Rockledge, FL (at my son, Christians home) - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


When Dave and I flew up to Tennessee to pick up the 10 Air Mobile Rescuers, we realized that 1 of the 14 fuel tanks in the Little Donkey was not transferring fuel properly.

For the next phase of this Relief Mission, I would need every drop of fuel.

Paul, our great mechanic, met us at Space Coast Regional Airport and concluded the transfer pump had simply died.

We ordered 2 new pumps and they should be here soon.

While working through this situation, WVLT Channel 8 in Knoxville caught up with us for an update.  


In the meantime, we're researching the Islands that most need CLEAN WATER.


I'm THANKFUL that the fuel transfer pump failed while we are still in the U.S. and can repair it easily...rather than being in the middle of the ocean needing every drop of fuel!  

Our Lord is good!! Our PRAYER is that He guides us and leads us each step of the way!

And, I THANK YOU for your vital prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-5-24 Friday 8:03 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Dave and I picked up the 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers from our home base in Tennessee.  It was good to see Cindy...for a few hours.

We loaded them up in the "Little Donkey" and flew back to Titusville...dodging a few storms along the way.

 Today, we're back in Titusville and are preparing to depart for our next "Mission".  There is massive destruction in multiple Islands.  

We're waiting for several weather systems to pass before launching on the "Back-Side" of Beryl.

Folks, we so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-4-24 Thursday 6:20 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe

HAPPY 4TH! & "10 MORE "TO GO"!  

Today, we celebrate the birth of America.  Though far from perfect, still, in my humble opinion...the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH!

Yesterday, Dave and I flew the Little Donkey up to TN.  Had an excellent flight.

We were greeted there by Yahn Gray, who had 10 Air Mobile Rescuers Water Purifiers ready "To Go" to areas devastated by Hurricane Beryl.

We are to fly them back to our home base in FL this morning.

There, we will be able to plan our next leg.  Looks like our destination will be Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

From there, we'll be able to bring our CLEAN WATER machines where most needed.

Just before departing yesterday, WKMG Channel 6 sent James to interview me.  

He's a very tall's how the Interview went - WKMG CHANNEL 6 ORLANDO INTERVIEWS AIR MOBILE JOE 

Well, it's time to head to the airport this morning.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support! 

 Air Mobile Joe

7-3-24 Wednesday 7:30 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Paul, our great mechanic and I took the Little Donkey up for multiple test flights.

After a few tweaks and adjustments, the Little Donkey was cleared to GO!

In between those flights was met by WFTV Channel 9.  Here's our interview - WFTV INTERVIEWS JOE ABOUT HURRICANE BERYL

 After Channel 9, my good friend Greg Pallone with Channel 13 interviewed me about our plans to bring CLEAN WATER where desperately need. Here's that interview - CHANNEL 13 INTERVIEWS JOE

In between the test flights and interviews, I took my daughter, Cherie and her 4 kids up for a ride down the Space Shuttle Landing facility at 500'.

Judah, who is just crazy about airplanes rode in the Co-Pilot seat and really enjoyed the ride immensely!

My good friend, Dave Walen, who has joined me on many relief flights, will be making these flights with me.

As Hurricane Beryl "barrels" across the Caribbean, we are waiting for it to pass.  

We hope to fly around the back-side of Beryl and go to where the CLEAN WATER is most needed.

Today, Dave and I will fly the Little Donkey up to Tennessee where Yahn will meet us with 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers.

We will then fly back to Titusville, fuel up and wait for Beryl to pass and then...we will fly to where CLEAN WATER is desperately needed.  WE PRAY FOR GOD'S DIRECTION!

PLEASE consider making a generous DONATION!  At this time, we do not have any units funded.  We've launched out by FAITH!

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

7-2-24 Tuesday 6:53 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, departed Knoxville for Florida right on time.

So THANKFUL for Allegiant Airlines. Landed 1.5 hours later right on time.

Picked up my rental car from Space Coast Jet Center when my phone rang.

It was our friends at FOX 35 News. Heather McKenzie asked, what we were doing with those impacted by now CAT 4 Hurricane Beryl.

Here's how the interview went -





Immediately, after the Fox 35 Interview, I dashed to Cocoa Beach for an impromptu family reunion with my kids and grandkids.

WHAT A BLESSING!  Timing was perfect.

This morning, I'll meet Paul, our great mechanic.  We'll be doing Test Flights on the Little Donkey.  Getting ready for..."The Next Mission".

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-1-24 Monday 6:29 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


This morning, I'll be boarding a flight from Knoxville to Sanford.  The flight is 1.5 hours as opposed to a 12 hour drive.  I'LL FLY!

As we look at the track & intensity of Beryl, now a CAT 4, it is good to re-position the Little Donkey.

The conditions are ripe for more Hurricanes to form.

Our strategy is to let the hurricane pass and come in on the back-side and bring relief as needed.

Again, this 2024 Hurricane Season has just started with a BANG!

We know that multiple islands will be devastated and will need a way to get CLEAN WATER.

So, it's time to hit the road for  Knoxville.  This "Mission" has begun.

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

When Dave and I flew up to Tennessee to pick up the 10 Air Mobile Rescuers, we realized that 1 of the 14 fuel tanks in the Little Donkey was not transferring fuel properly.

For the next phase of this Relief Mission, I would need every drop of fuel.

Paul, our great mechanic, met us at Space Coast Regional Airport and concluded the transfer pump had simply died.

We ordered 2 new pumps and they should be here soon.

While working through this situation, WVLT Channel 8 in Knoxville caught up with us for an update.  


In the meantime, we're researching the Islands that most need CLEAN WATER.


I'm THANKFUL that the fuel transfer pump failed while we are still in the U.S. and can repair it easily...rather than being in the middle of the ocean needing every drop of fuel!  

Our Lord is good!! Our PRAYER is that He guides us and leads us each step of the way!

And, I THANK YOU for your vital prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

7-5-24 Friday 8:03 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Dave and I picked up the 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers from our home base in Tennessee.  It was good to see Cindy...for a few hours.

We loaded them up in the "Little Donkey" and flew back to Titusville...dodging a few storms along the way.

 Today, we're back in Titusville and are preparing to depart for our next "Mission".  There is massive destruction in multiple Islands.  

We're waiting for several weather systems to pass before launching on the "Back-Side" of Beryl.

Folks, we so appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-4-24 Thursday 6:20 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe

HAPPY 4TH! & "10 MORE "TO GO"!  

Today, we celebrate the birth of America.  Though far from perfect, still, in my humble opinion...the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH!

Yesterday, Dave and I flew the Little Donkey up to TN.  Had an excellent flight.

We were greeted there by Yahn Gray, who had 10 Air Mobile Rescuers Water Purifiers ready "To Go" to areas devastated by Hurricane Beryl.

We are to fly them back to our home base in FL this morning.

There, we will be able to plan our next leg.  Looks like our destination will be Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

From there, we'll be able to bring our CLEAN WATER machines where most needed.

Just before departing yesterday, WKMG Channel 6 sent James to interview me.  

He's a very tall's how the Interview went - WKMG CHANNEL 6 ORLANDO INTERVIEWS AIR MOBILE JOE 

Well, it's time to head to the airport this morning.  As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support! 

 Air Mobile Joe

7-3-24 Wednesday 7:30 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Paul, our great mechanic and I took the Little Donkey up for multiple test flights.

After a few tweaks and adjustments, the Little Donkey was cleared to GO!

In between those flights was met by WFTV Channel 9.  Here's our interview - WFTV INTERVIEWS JOE ABOUT HURRICANE BERYL

 After Channel 9, my good friend Greg Pallone with Channel 13 interviewed me about our plans to bring CLEAN WATER where desperately need. Here's that interview - CHANNEL 13 INTERVIEWS JOE

In between the test flights and interviews, I took my daughter, Cherie and her 4 kids up for a ride down the Space Shuttle Landing facility at 500'.

Judah, who is just crazy about airplanes rode in the Co-Pilot seat and really enjoyed the ride immensely!

My good friend, Dave Walen, who has joined me on many relief flights, will be making these flights with me.

As Hurricane Beryl "barrels" across the Caribbean, we are waiting for it to pass.  

We hope to fly around the back-side of Beryl and go to where the CLEAN WATER is most needed.

Today, Dave and I will fly the Little Donkey up to Tennessee where Yahn will meet us with 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers.

We will then fly back to Titusville, fuel up and wait for Beryl to pass and then...we will fly to where CLEAN WATER is desperately needed.  WE PRAY FOR GOD'S DIRECTION!

PLEASE consider making a generous DONATION!  At this time, we do not have any units funded.  We've launched out by FAITH!

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

7-2-24 Tuesday 6:53 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Titusville, FL"  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, departed Knoxville for Florida right on time.

So THANKFUL for Allegiant Airlines. Landed 1.5 hours later right on time.

Picked up my rental car from Space Coast Jet Center when my phone rang.

It was our friends at FOX 35 News. Heather McKenzie asked, what we were doing with those impacted by now CAT 4 Hurricane Beryl.

Here's how the interview went -





Immediately, after the Fox 35 Interview, I dashed to Cocoa Beach for an impromptu family reunion with my kids and grandkids.

WHAT A BLESSING!  Timing was perfect.

This morning, I'll meet Paul, our great mechanic.  We'll be doing Test Flights on the Little Donkey.  Getting ready for..."The Next Mission".

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

7-1-24 Monday 6:29 AM (U.S. Eastern Time) - "Retreat Cabin" In the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


This morning, I'll be boarding a flight from Knoxville to Sanford.  The flight is 1.5 hours as opposed to a 12 hour drive.  I'LL FLY!

As we look at the track & intensity of Beryl, now a CAT 4, it is good to re-position the Little Donkey.

The conditions are ripe for more Hurricanes to form.

Our strategy is to let the hurricane pass and come in on the back-side and bring relief as needed.

Again, this 2024 Hurricane Season has just started with a BANG!

We know that multiple islands will be devastated and will need a way to get CLEAN WATER.

So, it's time to hit the road for  Knoxville.  This "Mission" has begun.

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe 


Air Mobile Joe