Tuesday, May 16, 2023


5-16-23 Tuesday 7:15 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Home at the "Retreat Cabin" - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


5-15-23 Monday 6:29 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Home at the "Retreat Cabin" - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


No, not "time traveling"...just on schedule.

After driving 720 miles, I pulled up to the "Retreat Cabin" and hugged my sweet Cindy and Ari.  Quite weary, but so glad to be home!

As I type this "wandering blog", Cindy and I are driving to Nashville to the University of Vanderbilt Medical Center.  I'll be getting another biopsy this afternoon.

So glad all of the scheduling has worked out.  

THANK YOU as always, for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-14-23 Sunday 6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...Somewhere in Georgia  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe

STUCK & RELEASED..."All things work together for the good...Romans 8:28

I flew from Port-au-Prince, Haiti (MTPP) to Barahona, Dominican Republic (MDBH) on Friday.  

The mission was to scout out the route and procedures for future flights & especially for Emergency Evacuations.

Upon landing the airport personnel at Barahona were courteous & helpful.  However... when they asked when I planned to depart, I told them on Saturday.  

They then told me it is NOT POSSIBLE as the Airport is CLOSED  on Saturday & Sunday.

The only way to fly out on Saturday was with the Director of IDAC's (Director of Navigation Civil) PERSONAL APPROVAL.

You see, it is vital that I get that APPROVAL as I have a scheduled medical procedure in Nashville on Monday.

Thus began the effort to get that Written Authorization.

Here's more on the situation.

I even spent a few hours in the Barahona Control Tower with the ATC Controllers.  Very nice folks!

During this waiting time, I spoke with multiple officials, who were all very kind and helpful.

Meanwhile the typical afternoon thunderstorms were brewing.

As I PRAYED, our Lord urged me to be quiet and patient.  

HE was working things out for the good (Romans 8:28)!

Then, at 1:30pm the AUTHORIZATION CAME!

I bid all my new friends good-bye,  crawled in the Little Donkey and took off and climbed to 14,500' to face those buildups.

Again, our Lord made a wonderful path through those storms.  

I landed at Fort Pierce and got a little scolding from Officer Rodriquez  for landing at 6:02pm...2 minutes past closing time.  He gave me a WARNING.

Oh well, I was on U.S. soil!  Then flew to Titusville and put the Little Donkey in the hangar.  

Got in the Ford Escape drove to somewhere in Georgia and found a comfortable bed.

This morning I'm up and telling you this story.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe



5-13-23 Saturday 6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...IN Barahona, Dominican Republic  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, I stood on a near empty ramp at Port-au-Prince International Airport.  

More evidence of the devastation caused by gangs reeking chaos on Haiti.  WE PRAY!

I then flew to Barahona, Dominican Republic, a short 30 minute flight.  

The purpose is to meet the airport officials and see exactly  what paper work is required to process in and out.

Upon landing I was met with courteous & helpful officials.

I then topped off the Little Donkey for Saturday departure.

Caught a taxi and arrived at the Costa Larimar Hotel.  

Had an absolutely delicious meal and had a quiet, comfortable evening.

Up early and heading back to the airport for my long flight back to Fort Pierce.

My exploratory mission has been successful!

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-12-23 Friday 6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...IN HAITI  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Early yesterday morning, I topped off the Little Donkey, verified the weather & Prayed for guidance and protection.

Then pushed pushed the throttles forward and took off for Haiti.

Climbed to 13,500' .  Had to work around some pretty big build-ups, but overall had a smooth and rather quick flight (4 hours 45 minutes).

Landed Port-au-Prince and all went smoothly.


Today, I'll be working on an Emergency Exit plan.  Can't give any more details.

THANK YOU, as always for vital prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-11-23 Thursday 4:33 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


I love getting up early and having some good old quiet time to pray & reflect.

Put on a pot of coffee and enjoy that first cup.  

Truly, coffee is a "Gift from God".

Yesterday, I met with Paul, our aircraft  mechanic and he did a final inspection after my test flight.  The Little Donkey is "Ready to Go!"

Been checking the weather and there seems to be a little instability in the Caribbean, but should be manageable.

For now, I'm simply awaiting my release.  Time for that second cup and enjoy the peace & quiet.

As I say every single day and mean with all my heart, THANK YOU for our precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-10-23 Wednesday 8:34 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...Titusville, FL  - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


After leaving the R.A.M. (Remote Area Medical) HQ loaded with vital medical supplies, I drove straight to Orlando Aircraft Services (700 hundred miles).

There I met Troy Webb, the Owner of O.A.S.  to pick up the critical avionics for the Little Donkey.

BTW, Troy & OAS have taken care of all our Avionics needs for over 40 years!  PRAISE GOD!

Drove to Space Coast Regional airport, installed the repaired Avionics (Garmin 750) and took the Little Donkey up for a test flight.

All systems checked out and the Little Donkey is ready to GO!

Then, came the load.  I'm pleased to say that every single donated medical supply fit into the Little Donkey.  Even threw in a few more items, including an Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier.

I was so relieved to hear from my good friend and fellow pilot, Todd Hillhouse.  He helped me load the Little Donkey.  THANK YOU TODD!

Well, with the Little Donkey all loaded up, it's a matter of just awaiting my release TO GO from our Lord Jesus!

I was blessed to see that WBIR Channel 10 in Knoxville covered this "Mission".  Here's the newscast:  EAST TN MAN & REMOTE AREA MEDICAL TEAM UP TO BRING SUPPLIES TO THOSE IN DESPERATE NEED

Time to head to the airport and do a few more things in preparation for departure.

THANK YOU again for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

5-9-23 Tuesday 7:31 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile On the move...Somewhere in Georgia - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Recently, I heard that H.E.R.O. Ambulance Service was building a "Trauma Center" in Haiti.

What a Brave & Courageous move!  I had to do something  to help them.

Picked up the phone and called R.A.M. (Remote Area Medical), and explained the "Mission". 

Sent them a "Wish List" for the soon-to-be Trauma Center.  A few days later, they said "Come and Get  It"!

I pulled up to R.A.M. HQ in my Little Red Ford Escape and found the "Treasure Box" FULL to OVERFLOWING with vital medical supplies.  

Just perfect for the Trauma Center.

Would it all fit into the "Escape"?

Box by box and bag by bag, I slowly loaded the "Escape" until, I got every every single last donated medical supply tucked neatly into the "Escape".

The R.A.M. Team then said...."When you're ready for more, just let us know."


I thanked R.A.M. again and hit the road for 700 mile journey to Florida.

I drove until I began to "drift".  Pulled into a Hampton Inn somewhere in Georgia and had a good nights sleep.

Will drive directly to Orlando Aircraft Services (OAS) and get my repaired Garmin 750 for the "Little Donkey".

Then, to the next phase of this "Mission".

As always, THANK YOU for meandering down this "road of life" with and especially for your precious  prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-08-23 Monday 7:35 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


"Remote Area Medical" (RAM) is donating some vital medical equipment for Haiti.

RAM & AIR MOBILE have worked together for years.  We sure appreciate them and certainly miss our dear friend & Founder of RAM, Stan Brock.

I'll be driving to the RAM HQ to pick up the donation today.  We'll be coordinating a means  of getting these vital supplies & equipment into Haiti, as soon as we can.

I'm very THANKFUL to RAM for these life-saving gifts.  

The situation in Haiti is rapidly deteriorating into TOTAL ANARCHY!

PLEASE PRAY for our Lord to guide and direct us each step of the way.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-07-23 Sunday 7:48 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday evening was Hancock County High School's  PROM  NIGHT.

Cindy outdid herself by helping make our Ariana Grace absolutely STUNNING!

Folks, I must say that not only is our Ariana beautiful on the outside, but she is equally beautiful on the inside.

We are so proud of our sweet Ariana!!

Now, Cindy also baked the Prom Cake.

BTW, that beautiful cake will serve 150!

OK, I'm pretty proud of my precious Cindy!!

We were joined by our good friend, Jen to celebrate this evening.

Prom Night was a complete success! 

So, here we are on Sunday morning getting ready for church.

THANK GOD for the freedom to Worship God freely!!

THANK YOU, as always for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-06-23 Saturday 7:11 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


I'm pleased to say that....finally, I'm all caught up....for now, on receipting donations, paying bills and answering correspondence.

I'm very THANKFUL for my snug, comfortable Air Mobile Office tucked away here in the mountains of East TN.

The "Retreat Cabin" is a place of peace and tranquility, for which I am extremely grateful!!

I know that soon...I'll be heading out on another "Mission".  Details are beginning to come together, but it's a bit early to disclose where it will be.

In the meantime, I'll simply enjoy this lovely place and savor the peace at this "SWEET RETREAT"!

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-05-23 Friday 6:56 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


While taking advantage of this time here at the "Retreat Cabin", we're building up our inventory of Air Mobile Rescuer water purifiers.

We know that most any disaster, i.e. hurricane / earthquakes / war / etc... will severely damage clean water sources.

This then causes "Cross Contamination"....mixing clean water with sewer.

Simply put, the Rescuer will clean up that sewer water saving lives!

Therefore, we're PREPARING as many Rescuers as possible (depending on funds).

THANK YOU, as always, for our invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-04-23 Thursday 6:55 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Sitting here in the Air Mobile Office, my heart is looking toward "The Next Mission".

We're building Air Mobile Rescuers, as much as our funds will allow.  We're monitoring the news.  We're seeking our Lord's direction!   

Not exactly sure where that "Next Mission" will be but...."We're Getting Ready"!

Meanwhile, not sure what to think about the recent "Attempt to Assassinate Putin".  

Seems to be some very suspicious factors that leaves one wondering...just who shot those drones?


At any rate, this moves us closer to nuclear war.  So, what do we do?  WE PRAY!!


As I say every single day, and mean with all of my heart...THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-03-23 Wednesday 6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe



Yesterday, we celebrated Ari's 18th Birthday at "The Gathering Place" in Downtown Sneedville.  

She was joined by a few friends.

Ari got the latest I-Phone among other cool gifts.

And, one of her favorite spots, the Eiffel Tower.  

A nice memory from our recent trip to France.

Overall, it was a lovely party for a lovely young lady.  We're so proud of our precious Ariana!!

And, here's a little update from my sweet Air Mobile Office. 

I'm so THANKFUL for a comfortable office and a good internet connection. It's a very nice place to work & pray!!

Here's a peek inside where I write thank-you letters and pay the bills and do the things that keeps Air Mobile going.

BTW, here's one of my favorite Christmas presents....an exact model of the "Little Donkey".

I'm pleased to say that I'm finally getting close to being all caught up.

Folks, I'm simply overwhelmed by your kindness and your faithful prayer, love and support!!

BTW, take a look at what might be living in the attic....

Air Mobile Joe

5-02-23 Tuesday 7:22 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe



 Cindy and I are BLESSED to have such an AMAZING & SWEET & PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!




I'm so THANKFUL for a comfortable office and a good internet connection. It's a very nice place to work & pray!!

Here's a look inside where I write thank you letters and pay the bills and do the things that keeps Air Mobile going.

BTW, here's one of my favorite Christmas presents....an exact model of the "Little Donkey".

I'm pleased to say that I'm finally getting all caught up.

Folks, I'm simply overwhelmed by your kindness and your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

5-01-23 Monday 6:09 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Have a slew of places to go today.  Even though our sweet "Sweet Retreat Cabin" is tucked away, deep in the mountains of East Tennessee, getting most anywhere takes between 45 minutes and an hour.

But you know, it's so beautiful, I hardly notice the extra time.  Simply put...I just enjoy ride!

Last night, our Pastor, John, shared his recent "Mission to the Philippines".  

It was John's first journey out of the good old U.S.A.  

John and Team had a wonderful mission there and saw over 100 accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

It likely won't be John's last "Mission" to the Philippines.  So glad he was able stretch out his tent stakes and go on this wonderful mission.

So, it's time to head out on a lovely ride and take a few things off my ever growing "To Do List".

I'm THANKFUL for this peaceful time at the "Retreat Cabin", and especially THANKFUL for your truly appreciated prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-30-23 Sunday  7:35 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, I showed up at the Morristown Airport to fly N20891 with Cory, my CFI.  

The purpose was to demonstrate my proficiency and to satisfy the Insurance Requirements for future rentals.

After the flight I met Will Fugate, who has shown a strong interest in becoming a pilot.

Because of a scheduling conflict with the aircraft, Will and I will have to re-schedule our demonstration flight.

We did a brief "walk-around" of the C-172 and then went to Shoney's for some all-you-can-eat Fried Catfish.   

We went over the Curriculum to become a Private Pilot.  I believe Will could become a great pilot.

BTW, Will and I did "JUSTICE" to the fried catfish.  

Will ate 10 pieces and I ate 13 pieces!  Shoney's makes GREAT CATFISH!

Well, on this beautiful Sunday morning, it's time to head to church.

As always, THANK YOU, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-29-23 Saturday  6:47 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


A young man, Will, in our church recently expressed an interest in becoming a pilot.

I thought it would be a good idea to take Will up and let him experience "flying" first-hand.

So, before I can rent an aircraft from Morristown Airport, they need to check me out....for Insurance purposes.  

I always welcome an opportunity to fly with another Certified Flight Instructor (CFI).

So, before Will  arrives for his Introductory Flight, I'll be taking a Cessna 172 up this morning with Cory (my CFI), to do some maneuvers and take-off and landings.

The Cessna 172 is probably one of the best flight training aircraft ever made...in my humble opinion.

Folks, truth is, I love to fly and am thankful for this opportunity to fly.

Time to pack up and head to the airport.  As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-28-23 Friday  7:16 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


A quick blog this morning.  Have to take one of our kitties to get "fixed".  Thankful for the Claiborne Animal Shelter in Tazewell.

I've invited our Pastor John to come by "Retreat Cabin" this evening.  We're going to discuss the "Times" that we're living in and the Book of Revelation...a very rich subject.

Time to head out.  As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-27-23 Thursday  6:07 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Cindy and I met our surgeons yesterday to schedule our operations.

Because of the shorter recovery time, I'll get my knee replacement surgery on June 15th.

Then, a month later, Cindy will get her shoulder surgery done.

Folks, we're just THANKFUL for excellent medical care.  These surgeries will help Cindy and I do more for our Lord.

Our latest "Challenge" here at our "Retreat Cabin" has to do with COYOTES!

One by one, we've been loosing our ducks.  We're now down to just 4 from 11.  The culprit:  COYOTES!

Fortunately, we have friends and neighbors who know how to track and "remove" coyotes.  THANK YOU, Gatlin for coming over to asses the situation.

Here's Gatlin introducing our little dog, Honey, to a not-so-real coyote.  Honey is pretty fearless.

Hopefully, Gatlin will help us make our property "not friendly to coyotes".

Now, here's a little back-ground on the lovely blue "Globe / Lamp" that I showed you yesterday.

Well, it's time to get on with some chores today.  

As always, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-26-23 Wednesday  7:07 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


The time in-between "Missions" is a time to rest, catch up and rejoice in the Lord.

This morning, Cindy and I both have appointments with surgeons.  Cindy will be scheduling her shoulder surgery and I will be scheduling my knee surgery.

We are believing God for wisdom and healing.

It's time to head out the door to those appointments but...not before finishing my 2nd cup of coffee.

BTW, there's a story behind that pretty blue oil lamp.  I'll tell you later. 

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-25-23 Tuesday  6:50 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Just had my 2nd cup of coffee and was pondering, what should I write about today on my wandering blog?

I simply asked my Lord Jesus to give me the words and deep in my heart, I heard....FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU!

As I go about this day, it's nice to begin in a warm, snug cabin.  So thankful for our old wood-stove.

Now Folks, in the midst of some "bomb-shell" news cast, i.e. Tucker Carlson being fired at FOX, my heart is at peace, as I ponder those precious Words from our Lord Jesus...FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU! 

I'll be working in my office today and just taking care of business of building more "Rescuers" and getting our Little Donkey ready for our "next mission".

As I say every single day, and yes, mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

4-24-23 Monday  7:03 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


During this quiet time at the "Retreat Cabin", I'm reminded of Ephesians 5:16...  "Redeem the time, because the days are evil".

So, working in my office, I periodically....turn off the phone and the tv and listen to God's Word.  

This gives me strength and wisdom for the days ahead.

I don't know where you are in this matter, but I encourage you to spend precious QUALITY time with Jesus.  

I promise you, this will make your day go better.

So, on this chilly morning.....brrrr, we've lit a fire and and are staying warm.

Folks, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-23-23 Sunday  7:51 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Getting ready for Church this morning and ever THANKFUL for the Freedom to Worship here in America.  May we never take it for granted.

I'm also THANKFUL for our sweet "Retreat Cabin" tucked away here in the Mountains of East TN.

What a lovely place to refresh, reflect and recharge.  Just enjoying the Peace of God.

We know that our "Next Mission" lies just ahead, so we'll enjoy this quiet time while we can.

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

4-22-23 Saturday 7:31 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe

I DID IT....

Yesterday evening I went into my office, turned off my phone & any other distractions and...listened to the the entire Book of Revelation (Chapter 1:1 - Chapter 22:21).

Now, what made this noteworthy?  Over my 50+ years of walking with Jesus and reading bits and pieces of Revelation, I have never done it quite like this.

The results of this "Study" are exciting and encouraging.  One thing is for sure....I will do it again!

From start to finish it took about 1 hour & 25 minutes.  I jotted down multiple notes (very quickly) for further review.

I did it, as if the Apostle John were sitting with me and telling me the whole Book of Revelation...straight through.

This one Book is the greatest source of what is happening, what has happened and what will happen.  

As we are living in these very turbulent and changing times, it is so good to be able to go the "Book" and learn what we can expect to happen.

You know, in the big scope of things, with all that is going on in our lives, we can likely find a slot of time where we can sit quietly for an hour and a half and listen to what the Apostle John wrote 2000+ years ago.  

I can assure you, according to the Word of God, you will be BLESSED by so doing.

Seems to be a good investment in time.  So, looks like I'll be doing this periodically to stay focused on the "Signs of the Times" and respond accordingly.

Perhaps you can give it a try and see what happens.  If you do, let me know how it works out for you.

I can hardly wait to do it again!!

THANK YOU, for meandering down this "Road of Life" with me.  I so appreciate your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

4-21-23 Friday  7:08 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


I've been pondering the Book of Revelation as never before.  I decided to try something today.

I found an excellent version of the Book and decided that later on today, I would turn it on and listen carefully without turning it off until going from Chapter 1:1 to Chapter 22:21.

I will have a clean sheet of paper in my hand and a pen.  I will just listen to each verse and if something catches my attention, I'll jot a quick note and continue on listening...as if the Apostle John is speaking the Book to me.

Revelation 1:3 says "Blessed is he that reads and they that hear the Words of this Prophesy and keep those things that are written therein" 

Here is the excellent version that I found:  THE BOOK OF REVELATION KJV AUDIO

The "time stamp" at the bottom of the video is 1 Hour 21 Minutes.

So, after running to town and doing a few errands this morning, I plan to return to my office.  

I'll turn off my phone and any other items that could interrupt this "Study" of the Book of Revelation.

I don't know what our Lord will reveal to me doing this, but I'm confident in His Promise to Bless me as I READ / LISTEN and OBEY THIS BOOK.

So, tomorrow morning, I'll share with you what happened with my special "Study" of the amazing Book of Revelation.

I'm glad to be home and able to take advantage of this quiet time at the "Retreat Cabin".

I'm also THANKFUL for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-20-23 Thursday  6:53 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


My sweet Cindy is the best "Prepper" I know.  Here, this morning, she's heating up the jars to 190 degrees and putting some beans / rice / noodles away for hard times.

In the big scope of things, I'd rather be more prepared than under- prepared.  

So, we take advantage of some BOGO (Buy One Get One) stuff and a little heat and good old Mason Jars for hard times ahead.

So, it's time to head back into the Air Mobile Office and write to our precious donors and pay some bills.

Just enjoying myself here at the "Retreat Cabin".  God is Good!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-19-23 Wednesday  6:59 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


While on our latest "Mission to Turkey", I kept seeing this image of what could be the face of Jesus pop up on my screen.

While deep into this last "Turkey Mission", I didn't have time to even open up the Newsmax story.  

After getting home on Sunday, Cindy asked me..."Hey, did you see this picture of what could be the face of Jesus?"

Now I, like many of you, have been fascinated by the "Shroud of Turin".  

It has been an emotional roller coaster ride.  Bits and pieces of "evidence" would pop up, either proving or dis-proving the validity of the Shroud of Turin. 

So, today, I dug a bit deeper and thought I'd share it with you and see what you think.


Here's the link to the Newsmax story along with a ship load of additional evidence.

Meanwhile, I'll be in my office working on receipt letters and paying bills.

Cindy and I are also taking inventory of our "PREPPED" supplies and filling in the gaps.  Folks, this is a good time to PREPARE...for what lies ahead.

BTW, I find this new image of what could be the actual face of our Lord Jesus quite compelling and comforting.

As I say every single day, and yes, mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-18-23 Tuesday  6:49 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


After returning from our latest relief mission to Turkey, the message of "PREPARE" is stirring deep in my heart.

Just seeing how literally millions were shattered in just 2-5 minutes following the deadly Turkey Earthquakes that killed hundreds of thousands and left millions devastated.

Folks, this message to PREPARE is striking us here at home. 

Cindy and I have been studying the latest developments in the Digital

Currency realm.  Check out CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).

Take a look at this video on what is going on right now as I type:


Tell me what you think.  Could this indeed be laying the groundwork for the "Mark of the Beast"?

Well, time to get on with this day that our Lord has made.  

THANK YOU, as always, for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-17-23 Monday  7:09 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Air Mobile Retreat Cabin...in the Mountains of East TN - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday afternoon, after traveling nearly 8000 miles (from Turkey), the wheels of my little Ford Escape rolled up to our beloved "Retreat Cabin".

Cindy had a fresh pot of coffee on and oh, did that first cup taste good.

Cindy made a delicious pot of soup from all the vegetables she could find and added the Easter Ham and folks, all I can say is....I'm so glad to be home!!

I'm a little disoriented from a touch of jet-lag, but up this morning and loving the sunrise through the trees.

For the next few days, will be catching up on a pile of  paperwork in the Air Mobile office & just enjoying the peace & quiet that we have here in the Mountains of East TN.

Our "Next Mission" will come up soon enough.  

I've also got the "Little Donkey" to get back in the air.  We had to send our primary navigation system off to Garmin to have it rebuilt.  

When that component arrives, I'll head back down to Florida to test fly the little bird and have it ready for IMMEDIATE deployment....as the need arises.

So, on this lovely morning....I'm just enjoying every minute of it.

THANK YOU, as always, for your faithful prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-16-23 Sunday  8:03 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Columbia, SC - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Running on just a few hours of sleep, since departing Turkey, and emotionally drained, I pulled into a gas station and saw this sticky note....

I needed that simple message of hope and love.

I drove for a few more hours and pulled into a Hampton Inn in Columbia, SC.  Jet-lag and exhaustion mandated a comfortable nights sleep.

Up early this morning and getting packed up for the 5 hour home, to my sweet Cindy and the wonderful "Retreat Cabin".

As I say every single day, THANK YOU for meandering down this road of life with me, and especially for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-15-23 Saturday  6:57 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - Titusville, FL - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


32 hours ago, Sam and I began the long trek home. We boarded a Turkish Air flight from Istanbul, Turkey direct to Miami FL.


There was a bit of turbulence along the way, but overall, the 12+ hour was pleasant.

We landed exactly on time, breezed through Customs & Immigration and then....hit the road for Orlando International, a 3 hour drive.

There, Sam is catching a Southwest Airlines flight to Chicago and then back to India.

BTW, Sam was absolutely AMAZING on this " #2 Mission to Turkey".

We witnessed our Lord Jesus move again and again and again!  We're not sure when we'll return, but suspect it will be sometime in the near future.

This morning, I'll be demonstrating the Air Mobile Rescuer to a retired NASA Engineer who has long recognized the need to be "PREPARED" and the #1 need is to have CLEAN WATER available.

After that demonstration, it will be back "On the Road" to our beloved "Retreat Cabin" in the Mountains of East TN.  I can hardly wait to be home to be with my sweet Cindy.

This has been an incredible journey into a horrible disaster zone, where 10 of thousands have died and hundreds of thousands are injured. 

About 3 hours into the flight, the cabin in the Boeing 777 was dim and I just began to cry.  No one noticed and the steady drone of the big engines muffled out any sound.  

It seems that this happens a lot, especially when I'm headed home after an emotional deployment. 

We've been able to help those in need with CLEAN WATER and share the LOVE OF OUR LORD JESUS.  What a privilege!!!

So, it's time to begin the final leg of this wonderful journey home.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

 4-14-23 Friday  6:55 AM (Turkey Time) - Istanbul, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Sam & I pulled up to our Istanbul Hotel last night after the long (10 hour drive), drive from Adana.

Along the way, we stopped into AFAD Headquarters in Ankara.

There, we met with Tayfun (pronounced like "Typhoon").

Tayfun is the High-Ranking AFAD Official who opened many doors for the Air Mobile Rescuer to be strategically placed throughout the devastated earthquake zones.

Tayfun gave us an extensive tour throughout AFAD HQ.  What an AMAZING operation!!

Again,  THANK YOU Tayfun for helping us each and every step of the way on this successful "Mission to Turkey".  GOD BLESS YOU!!

I am ever reminded of the wise words given to me by my first Pastor many years ago when I was facing a daunting task....

"Remember son, God knows how to deploy His Troops!!"  Surely, the Lord led our paths to cross with Tayfun!!

Today, we'll be boarding a Turkish Airways 777-300ER for the direct flight from Istanbul to Miami.

Folks, this has been an incredible, SPIRIT-LED MISSION to Turkey and we look forward to returning.

Can't begin to tell you how much we appreciate your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-13-23 Thursday  6:59 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


This morning, we're packing up and getting ready to make the long drive from Adana to Istanbul (927 km / 587 miles).

We'll make a stop in  Ankara and meet with top AFAD officials in Ankara. It has been a joy working with this amazing organization!

Yesterday, we delivered 5 Air Mobile Rescuers to be deployed by AFAD in the devastated region of Kahramanmaras, the ground zero of the devastating earthquakes.

We began by training the designated Water Engineer on the set up / operation / maintenance of the Air Mobile Rescuer.

I like giving the example of the Rescuer being like a baby drinking the bottle.

We had the privilege to meet one the local Governors who expressed deep appreciation for these amazing purifiers.

So, we're returning to Istanbul where we'll fly back to Miami tomorrow.

Time to hit the road and as always....THANK YOU for your faithful prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-12-23 Wednesday  6:37 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


In cooperation with
AFAD (Disaster & Emergency Management Authority) of Turkey, we will be going to another area of extreme need, Kahramanmaras, a 2+ hour drive.

We will be meeting up with 
AFAD Personnel whom we will be training on the operation of the of the Air Mobile Rescuer water purifier.

We will be delivering 5 Air Mobile Rescuers to be utilized in this zone.

We're THANKFUL for this relationship between AFAD & Air Mobile. It is a pleasure working with them  

"Surely, our Lord knows how to deploy His troops" (a quote from a dear Pastor of mine many years ago).

Well, it's time pack up and hit the road for our next zone.

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-11-23 Tuesday  8:25 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, Sam and I drove back to Hatay to deliver some intense training on the operation of the Air Mobile Rescuer.

We set up in an engineering office and began the training.  I needed a container for the dirty water and they found a trash can in a bathroom that was truly disgusting & filthy.

We set up the Rescuer, turned it on, let it purify that filthy water and then.... I DRANK after it ran through the Rescuer.  

One of the engineers leaned over his desk to follow suit with a taste of his own.

Yes, the Rescuer really does work.  The rest of the training went smoothly and these AFAD Engineers now know how to operate the Rescuer.

It was a joy to donate and place 5 Air Mobile Rescuers in the Hatay (hardest hit) Region.

I'm ever reminded of the Words of our Lord Jesus...."I was thirsty and you gave me to drink...when you've done it unto the least of these, my Brethren, you've done it unto Me".  

They will be training other AFAD First Responders on the Operation of the Rescuer.  PRAISE GOD!!

Along the way, Sam had bought a generous supply of food for approximately 10 families.  We had met relatives of these recipients on our first mission to Turkey.

Since then, another earthquake further destroyed their homes and now they were forced to move again.  It was a joy to give them this blessing of food.

Along the way, we saw this, one of many, "Mangled Junk Car" fields.  Just shows the terrible power of earthquakes.

Before leaving Hatay for Adana, we were given a tour of a "Container City" set up by AFAD.  What an incredible, rapid solution to the hundreds of thousands who lost everything.  

As we were departing Hatey, we made one more quick stop at this small tent community.  They had not made it out of the tents into the "Containers" yet....and may never....as they are Syrian Refugees.

We were moved by their sweetness and calmness & patience as Sam went from tent to tent bringing food & hygiene, etc.  Yes, this what we love for. 

Today, Sam and I will heading to another Region of destruction...to the town of Kahramanmareas.

There, we will be meeting another AFAD Team.  We will be training them and presenting them with 5 Air Mobile Rescuers!  

Time to pack up and hit the road for our next deployment.

As I say every single day, and truly mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-10-23 Monday  6;32 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday, Sam and I drove from Adana to Hatey, a large city devastated by the earthquakes.

Along the way, we gave out some old, used tennis balls (we use them to insulate the Rescuer in transit).  

These little green tennis balls are an amazing blessing to kids all over the world.

We were scheduled to meet the AFED Manager for the Hatey Region, Guray Karakava.  

We would demonstrate the Air Mobile Rescuer and find the best places to deploy this amazing machine!

Along the way, we stopped in at World Central Kitchen to see how my good friend Ben Grant is doing.

On our first Mission to Turkey, Air Mobile donated Rescuers to WCK to keep that clean water flowing while preparing food for tens of thousands.

Ben is doing fine and I suspect our paths will cross many more times.

Everywhere, we saw the process of taking buildings down and clearing the rubble to make make new buildings again.

This is a slow and dangerous process.  This machine looks like a dragon "eating" the building.

We arrived at the Hatey AFAD Headquarters building for our meeting with the Director, Gurey Karakava.

We met for several hours discussing the current situation and how the Air Mobile Rescuers can effectively help.  

Mr. Karakava is a Geo-Physics Engineer and has been working non stop since the terrible earthquakes occurred on February 6, 2023.

We agreed to set up Training today on the Rescuer for deployments as most needed.

After our meeting, Mr. Karakava invited Sam and I to join him for dinner.  

This was a high honor.  Our fellowship around the table was pleasant and insightful.

After dinner, Sam and I headed back to our base in Adana.  It was a long and fruitful day.  What a way to spend Easter Sunday in the Service to our  Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

Today, we're heading back to Hatey to begin the Training on the Air Mobile Rescuers.  May our Lord give us wisdom and His guidance.

As always, THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe 

 4-9-23 Sunday  7:26 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


It is a lovely morning here in downtown Adana.  Have been immersed in the God's Word and especially focusing on the last few Chapters of the Gospels.

What a sweet way to Celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When Sam and I arrived in Adana on Good Friday, we were all geared up to Immediately head right into the Disaster Zone and begin deploying our Rescuer Water Purifiers.

Well, the call for our first deployment did not come until late yesterday (Saturday) evening.  Thus, we had a full day off and took the opportunity to just REST.

This morning, we're up and heading into Hatey, one of the hardest hit regions.  

We'll be meeting with AFAD (Disaster & Emergency Management Authority) and laying out the plan for the deployments .

Time to pack-up and head to Hatey, a 2+ hour drive.  

We hope and pray that you are having a BLESSED RESURRECTION SUNDAY!!

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-8-23 Saturday  6:28 AM (Turkey Time) - Adana, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Sam and I were up early and on the road from Istanbul to Adana.

Adana is an ideal "Staging Area" for our "Mission".  It's close to ground zero of the massive earthquake zone, yet not affected by the destruction.

It was a pleasant 9 hour drive to Adana.  I still marvel at the snow capped mountains in Turkey.  The topography of Turkey is absolutely spectacular!

So, today, we're settling in and getting ready to deploy to the disaster zone.

In the midst of all this travel and 8 hour time difference with a touch of "Jet Lag", we realized we're right in the middle of Holy Week.

What an AWESOME time to reflect on the sacrifice and wonder of our Lord's great gift to us.  

We're looking forward to RESURRECTION SUNDAY!!

We THANK YOU all for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

 4-7-23 Friday  4:57 AM (Turkey Time) - Istanbul, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


On our first mission to Turkey several weeks ago, we saw AFAD relief teams all over the place.

AFAD is the U.S. equivalent of FEMA.   

We reached to them toward the end of our first mission.  

Well, it was AFAD that was instrumental in helping to get our 10 Air Mobile Rescuer Water Purifiers released from Turkish Customs. 

Furthermore, AFAD is helping us to identify the most intense "Hot Spots" that desperately need Clean water.

I recall a wise old Pastor once told me this when I was facing a daunting mission task.  He said "Remember son, God knows how to deploy His troops!!"

The folks at AFAD are a pleasure to work with.  We look forward to working them, not only on this mission, but in future missions as well.

Well, Sam and I are up early and packing our little Ford utility van for the 10+ hour drive across Turkey for Adana, our "staging zone" for deployments into Ground Zero.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

 4-6-23 Thursday  7:34 AM (Turkey Time) - Istanbul, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Looks like our 10 Rescuers may be set free today. 


Sam and I arrived at the Istanbul Airport yesterday on a "Mission" to "Retrieve" the 10 Rescuers.  

We were seeking the KEY to OPEN THE DOOR!

We went from office to office seeking the best way to get the "Release" of the Rescuers.

Then, a government official gave us a phone number to call.  The voice on the other end was courteous and quite encouraging.

We were then told to await another call.  I must admit that both Sam and my anxiety levels were rising.

There was nothing to do, but return to our hotel and wait.  

My mind was racing and then, the PEACE OF GOD (which passes all understanding) took over.

I felt the strongest impression from our Lord to just be patient and trust Him!

Then, the phone rang!  It was a high level Government Official out of Ankara.  

He was fully aware of all of the surrounding details of our "detained" Rescuers. 

He gave us full assurance we would be able to retrieve the Rescuers soon (likely today) and would be able to deploy them in the most critical areas of need!

That is exactly what we are waiting, and believing and PRAYING for. 

So, again, the PEACE OF GOD has surrounded us and we await the next phone call.  

Time for the second cup of coffee.

THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!

Air Mobile Joe

4-5-23 Wednesday  8:36 PM (Turkey Time) - Istanbul, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


On our first "Mission to Turkey" several weeks ago, the 14 Rescuers that we brought in, just "flew" through Customs with no special "paperwork".

Because of the severity and devastation of the February 6th Earthquake, the Government of Turkey allowed "Relief Supplies" immediate "Clearance".

So, when we landed in Istanbul and retrieved our 10 Rescuers (in 6 tubs), I "assumed" that we would have rapid clearance.

BTW, the little Blue Scooter is an AMAZING GIFT and gives me and my "bum" knees, a new appreciation for little wheels.

Now, all regular protocols are back in place in Turkey.

The  Turkish Customs Officials were courteous and professional.  

However, our 10 Rescuers are being DETAINED and held until we can produce the proper paperwork.

BTW, 99+% of the time, no special paperwork is required because of the Humanitarian nature of the Rescuers.

So, today we have begun generating the paperwork required by the Government of Turkey.

PLEASE PRAY that our Lord gives us FAVOR & WISDOM to gain the RELEASE of the RESCUERS!

THANK YOU for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-4-23 Tuesday  7:26 PM (Turkey Time) - Istanbul, Turkey - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Since our Little Donkey needs some avionics work, Turkey moved up to our "Next Mission".

We needed to add some more supplies including my little blue scooter.  

My Cindy drove the supplies from TN to FL to complete our load.  THANK YOU CINDY! 

Sam and I loaded up the 10 Rescuers and other critical supplies and drove down to Miami International airport.

Turkish Airlines waived some of the extra baggage & over-weight fees.  Love seeing those gray tubs (each containing 2 Rescuers).

Our 12 hour flight from Miami to Istanbul had quite a lot of turbulencebut still managed to sleep a bit.

Upon landing in Istanbul...we got snagged by Turkish Customs.  The officers were courteous, but now required some more paperwork.

On our first "Mission to Turkey", several weeks ago, no documentation was required.  

So...we'll likely spend another day in Istanbul and work those units out of Customs.

PLEASE PRAY that we find favor with the officials so that we can get on with this mission.

You know, deep down in my heart, I believe that our Lord is using this situation for His Glory!!

THANK YOU, as always, for your prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe 

4-3-23 Monday  6:07 AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - ON THE ROAD AGAIN...Titusville, FL - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday evening, Sam (from India) landed and joined our "Mission to Turkey".

Sam was on our first mission to Turkey and was a tremendous help.  I'm glad he's with me on this one.

Several hours later, Cindy & Andy (our little dog) arrived in FL, after the 12 hour drive from TN. 

Cindy brought additional supplies to be brought to Turkey.

Today, we'll be preparing the Air Mobile Rescuers as checked luggage.

We'll depart Miami this evening for our non-stop flight to Istanbul, Turkey.  

If all goes as planned, we'll then drive to ground zero of the terrible earthquake zone and bring much needed CLEAN WATER to those who are still cut off.

As I prepare to depart on this "Mission to Turkey", my heart breaks for America...a "House divided against itself....".  

Please join me in PRAYER for AMERICA!!

And as always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-2-23 Sunday  7:02  AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - ON THE ROAD AGAIN...Titusville, FL - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


While here in Titusville, on this beautiful Palm Sunday morning, I'll be attending our "Florida" Church, Redeemer.  

We love Pastor Gary and especially love this sweet Church.

Meanwhile, my Cindy is on the road driving from the "Retreat Cabin" to FL.  She is carrying vital supplies for our upcoming "Mission" to Turkey.  

Please PRAY for Cindy as she makes this 12 hour drive.  She's scheduled to arrive later this evening.

Sam will be boarding a flight from Chicago to Orlando this afternoon to join me on this "Mission".

Yesterday, I had a wonderful time visiting with our Daughter, Cherie.  

One of the reasons I love to stage many of our international missions out of Florida is I can be with our children and grandchildren, who live in East Central Florida.

We are very excited to return to Turkey and follow up on the Air Mobile Rescuers that we recently deployed there.

We have 10 more Air Mobile Rescuers to deploy in Turkey, THANKS to the generosity of our many friends.

Meanwhile, our PRAYERS are with those who have been devastated by the killer tornados that have ravaged Arkansas and last week, Mississippi.

THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-1-23 Saturday  7:26  AM (Eastern U.S. Time) - ON THE ROAD AGAIN...Titusville, FL - Report submitted by Air Mobile Joe


Yesterday evening, the decision was made where our next Mission would be...TURKEY.

The Test Flight in the Little Donkey indicated a GPS failure, thus the decision to return to Turkey on Turkish Air.

I'll be bringing Sam, from India with me on this Mission.  

Sam was on our first mission to Turkey and was an incredible help!

Tickets are bought and we're packing.  We'll depart on Monday afternoon for Istanbul, Turkey. 

Cindy will be driving down from the "Retreat Cabin" to Florida tomorrow, bringing more supplies for the Turkey Mission.

Our Lord opened some incredible doors for us in Turkey and we're very excited to return with more CLEAN WATER!!

So today we'll be pulling the many pieces together for this "Mission".

As I say every single day and mean from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for your amazing prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe



Air Mobile Joe

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