Monday, April 2, 2018


4-3-18 Tuesday 6:15 AM (Southern India Time)  - Ongole, India - Air Mobile "On-The-Move" - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


Our day began by being invited to an absolutely lovely engagement party for Sam's brother, Krupa to Rekha.

Krupa is a Pastor and Rekha is a nurse and they love the Lord and serve Him with all of their hearts.  What a beautiful couple!

We were so honored to attend this joyous occasion.  What a way to start the day!!

Sam's family have served the Lord for over 50 years and they are a shining light for our Lord Jesus in India.

BTW, the Christian population in India is less than 2%.  Praise God for the Faithful who serve Jesus!

From that wonderful celebration, our team headed out to the "Untouchables", a group that is considered the low of the low.  They are most precious to our Lord Jesus!

We drove through low lying areas that are prone to flooding.  These families have been devastated time and time again.  We are bringing in food, gifts and the sharing the Love of Jesus.

Indeed, we have come a LONG WAY with a lot of help from our friends.  What an awesome joy to bring these gifts of love!

My Cindy has done a wonderful job of pulling all of the many pieces together to make this mission happen.  She is driven by the unspeakable love our Lord Jesus!!

Ari greeted the children.  We're so thrilled that Ari is with us and experiencing the pure joy of sharing the love of Jesus!

We gave the gifts, first to the girls in the Village.  They were very sweet and orderly and thankful!

Then I had the privilege to hand out the gifts to the boys. I do wish you could be here with us and experience the pure joy of giving to these precious ones!

Then the kids raised their gifts saying THANKS to all!

Meanwhile, the hot, delicious, nutritious food was being prepared.  Cindy, Ari and I again had the privilege to serve these precious ones.

This little boy was holding tightly onto his gift and eating with the other hand.  

At the end of this long and extremely satisfying day, we bid farewell to the children and headed back to our hotel.

On the way home, we stopped at coffee shop and had a delicious Cafe' Latte'.  God is Good!!

Today, we'll be working on Air Mobile Rescuers and giving Sam intense training on maintaining and repairing these wonderful tools that bring CLEAN WATER!  

As I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU ALL for your invaluable prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

4-2-18 Monday 8:59 AM (Southern India Time)  - Ongole, India - Air Mobile "On-The-Move" - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


The thing about most longinternational flights, (unless you're Business or First Class) is that you are sitting...and can't recline.

No matter how you try to "position" yourself, you're still sitting and this....does not lead to relaxing sleep.

After our long journey to India 35+ hours, we finally were able to LAY DOWN!

Oh my, what glorious, sweet sleep resulted.  Cindy, Ari and I awoke feeling somewhat renewed.

Now....we have to deal with the 9.5 hour time difference between India time and Eastern U.S. time.  But, that's another issue.....JET LAG.

What makes all of this work is COFFEE!  Thanks to our handy electric tea kettle (240 volts) and Instant 3 in 1 coffee (coffee-sugar-cream all in 1 packet) from Viet Nam (thanks to my good friend Joe Prussel), we're able to make our own coffee in our room here in India.  Life is GOOD!

Our hotel does not serve breakfast, but we're covered with a full range of breakfast snacks. It's good to be prepared!

While awaiting Sam, Cindy and Ari worked in a game of "Rummy".  It's good bring a deck of cards with you for "waiting".

Our schedule will be full today between bringing our gifts (hygiene kits & goodies) to the children  (AKA:  The "Untouchables"). 

We'll be conducting training and trouble shooting on the 4 Air Mobile Rescuers that we have here.

For now, we're refreshed and ready to go.  Sam and Team will be here in a few minutes.

As I say every single day and mean with all of my heart, THANK YOU!!!

Air Mobile Joe

PS - I just received this wonderful "Report" from Bonnie regarding the "RESCUE".  What an amazing story of God's Amazing Grace and Romans 8:28!!

4-1-18 Sunday 6:20PM (Southern India Time)  - Ongole, India - Air Mobile "On-The-Move" - Report submitted by:  Air Mobile Joe


After nearly 36 hours of hard travel, Cindy, Ari and I arrived In Ongole India on Easter Sunday!  PRAISE GOD!

We had a warm reception and even a lovely "Banner" from Sam and his precious family.

All of our flights went very well and were right on time.  Our road trip from Hyderabad to Ongole India went smoothly, though quite long.

As I write this rambling blog, I'm a bit delirious as have had only little snippets of sleep these past 36 hours.

We NEVER take our Lord's Traveling Mercies for granted.  

Every single last item arrived in perfect condition.  India Customs and Immigration was gracious and we're just THANKFUL to finally be here in India!

We PRAY that you have a BLESSED EASTER!

We have so much for which to CELEBRATE!


Dear Lord Jesus, THANK YOU for coming into this world to pay the price for all of our sins and give us NEW LIFE!! 

Tomorrow, we hit the ground running delivering vital supplies and gifts.  Will be servicing 4 Air Mobile Rescuers and so much more.

As always, THANK YOU for your precious prayer, love and support!!!

Air Mobile Joe

PS - If you're new to this "rambling blog" and want to see how we've gotten to this "juncture of the journey", just click on "Older Posts" (below) and you'll see how we've gotten here.  God bless and WELCOME ABOARD!  Joe 

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